• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Writing A Good Introduction

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Sissy
  4. Little
  5. Other
Hello there, and welcome to ADISC!

If you are new and are wanting to post an introduction, it can seem a bit daunting. Perhaps you've never shared about this part of your life with anyone, or you just don't feel like you're good at this sort of thing. Well, I can tell you from experience, that you are in good company here. We have all been newbies here at some point, and we will welcome you kindly if you can tell us a little bit more about yourself.

Here is a cheat sheet that you can feel free to even copy and paste into your own new introduction thread. I am offering you this free of charge, so no plagiarism lawsuits from me for using it :p. We like to get to know you here, and this is a step-by-step guide to turning what may be nervous chills into a confident, well-rounded introduction to the site.

Following this tutorial will likely get you some early respect. Just answer these questions in your intro, and you're all set:

1) Hello! Who are you?

No need to use your name, age, or where you live here. In fact, we do not care about any of that, especially not when you're just introducing yourself. We actually find that creepy, and it's your fast track to not being well received, so avoid it. Instead, let us know a few basics about your personality or what you are up to, career or school wise.

2) What brings you here? (interest in diapers/regression)

This is your only place to share with us what your interest in diapers is in your introduction. That's right, almost everyone here has an interest in diapers, and that's why we're all here. After this, do not mention diapers again in your intro post! This is because:

3) Diapers do not rule our lives! What are your other interests? (besides diapers/regression)

This is critical! To be well received here, you must tell us a bit more about yourself. We really aren't asking for a lot here. We just want to know what you like to do with your spare time. Are you a techy? A gamer? A writer? An automotive mechanic? Trust me, you are not alone here. Most every member here has a job or a hobby, goes to school, or at least has some sort of life outside of diapers.

(Note: Don't worry about people being able to trace this stuff from Google. Many people probably share the same interests as you, and this will not make you identifiable!)

4) What are you looking for out of this site? What would you love to do here?

There had to be a reason you joined this site. Are you looking for support, because that is our main function and goal? Are you looking to find other like-minded people who share the same diaper fascination as you, but are willing to talk about other things as well? Did you come here for the stories or just to lurk around and get support through reading only? No need to be shy, just let us know!

(Note: Notice how I didn't include wanting to meet up with people or find a good date? That is because we are not a dating, match making, or locals finding site! Include any of that stuff into your introduction, and not only will your intro be seen as creepy, but it may even get shut down with you being asked to try again, or worse.)


So, follow those steps and answer those 4 questions, and you will be in much better shape than if you hadn't. You will be making friends and becoming a thriving member of this community in no time.

Once more, welcome to ADISC! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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Reactions: tinybabyb, MisterAlex, FitsInBabyDiapers722 and 14 others
This is awesome, and should definitely be stickied, on the condition you change the font size so it doesn't get smaller for the answers. I've got a headache from trying to process that :p

Good work :D
  • Like
Reactions: Ereep1970
I second the idea of having this stickied or it being a giant pop-up when people first sign up. Either way works.
Thanks guys. Doing this worked really well on my site, so I thought we could use it over here :D.

Talula said:
change the font size so it doesn't get smaller for the answers. I've got a headache from trying to process that :p
Edited, and I hope that helps. I'll see what people think about it and resize if necessary again later.

Now, off to school and work :p.
Beautiful! Absolutely Beautiful! This MUST be stickied. I'll use this sticky to reintroduce myself when the time comes!
Asher said:
Haha Dan, you are awesome! I'm glad that this is stickied; it definitely deserves to be :)
Thank you :). I am now the proud poster of a sticky. Yay!

Diapered Rabbit said:
Beautiful! Absolutely Beautiful! This MUST be stickied. I'll use this sticky to reintroduce myself when the time comes!
Thank you rabbit :). You plan on reintroducing yourself some time? That's cool, would love to read it.

I have also considered adding:

Remember these 3 tips:
1) Be honest about what you say. No posting fantasies.
2) Always write more about yourself, if you can manage it.
3) Remember to come back to this thread and reply to people who have responded and welcomed you!

I just don't know where to add it, lol. Perhaps toward the bottom?
Thanks Dan for the great suggestions on the intro post! It helped me what to say when I posted yesterday (Hey, that rhymes).

I hope my introduction met these criteria. I didn't give a lot of information about myself, but I have since responded to a few other posts with a little more information about me.

This looks like a really great site! Glad to have joined!

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