What's It Like to Get a Colonoscopy?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Incontinent
Hi guys, as some of you are aware, I've been dealing with bowel IC for a couple of months now, and my doctor recently diagnosed IBS, but said that if the problem worsened, she wanted to get me in for a colonoscopy. It has gotten worse in the two weeks since I saw her; I'm now dealing with urinary urgency and at least one episode of vasovagal syncope (fainting) as a result, I'm relatively certain, of stool pressing on the vagus nerve. I'm due to go back for a follow up with my doc in early September, and I'm really nervous about the prospect of being scoped down there. Can anybody share their experiences? What was it like and what happened?
You will be given anesthesia to put you into twilight sleep. Only once out of 5 different colonoscopies was I brought back to consciousness enough to answer a question during the procedure, and promptly put back to sleep. The procedure itself is no big deal.

The bad news is that you have to do a clear fluid fast the day before, AND drink a large volume (4 liters) of bowel prep solution that will give you the runs to clear out your bowel. The prep is a pain in the ass... literally. Get some hemorrhoid wipes and use them instead of toilet paper, or you will end up with a raw bum.
Four litres?! That's over a gallon! That sounds awful! What's a clear fluid fast?
I slept through it.
Wuggle said:
Four litres?! That's over a gallon! That sounds awful! What's a clear fluid fast?

It's when you're only allowed to consume clear fluids. And in the case of a colonoscopy, you can't have anything red or purple.
OmiOMy said:
It's when you're only allowed to consume clear fluids. And in the case of a colonoscopy, you can't have anything red or purple.

Yikesers, this is sounding worse and worse!
Wuggle said:
Yikesers, this is sounding worse and worse!
Actually the procedures biggest downside to me is the waiting for them to start and waiting at the end. The modern prep, while not a lot of fun is much better than what was done years ago. First thing was you had to drink Magnesium Citrate. It tastes just what you'd imagine battery acid would taste like. Then "enemas until clear" which is a number of enemas. Over and over again until just water comes out. Drinking the solution is definitely better than enemas (unless you like that sort of thing).
Afterwards you have a lot of gas, too. Regardless, I always have something good to eat afterwards.
Magnesium citrate isn't all that bad - if it's cold! Put it in the fridge for a few hours before you drink it. And you still have to do the Fleet enemas. Then comes the PEG 3350 laxative. This stuff is nasty, but usually you can flavor it with something like Mio or other water flavoring. Ask your doctor first, though. Since I'm really sensitive to anaesthetics, I usually sleep throughout the procedure. Someone else suggested using wet wipes to clean up after, which I highly recommend. Prepare to camp out in the bathroom for a couple of hours, and have plenty of cheap diapers to use afterward.
Yeah, the prep is the worst part and Preston is right MAKE THE STUFF AS COLD AS POSSIBLE which will diminish the bad taste.

Actually, both docs who've done mine haven't had me do any enemas. They give you a basic laxitive so you blow the solids out and then follow it up with the PEG (amusingly one of the brand names is "GO LITELY" which is a real misnomer) which really pumps a lot of fluid through there.

My wife came down while I was in the middle of the prep and asked "Are you wearing a diaper?" and I said I was. "Good idea," says she.
Wow, thanks for the tips on the prep guys! I have really bad food/texture/flavour sensitivities (I'm in feeding therapy just so I can learn how to eat fruits and veggies without gagging/throwing up) and anything I can do to make the magnesium citrate less awful is a plus. I've never had an enema before, are they hard to perform on yourself? Is there anything I should be particularly careful of?
Don't get too wound up. Different doctors have different procedures. And some of these things might not even be part of your doctor's prep. Best to ask them what they want you to do. Then once you know, then forget what isn't needed. My last two (ten years time) haven't included an enema as an example.
I’ve read all of the post so far, and my only kind of question so far is this, is there a chance that you will have a bowel accident even after the colonoscopy is done even though it may not be actual poop is this where the thinner diaper situation comes in because you will just basically be in continent for the next few hours after the procedure? I asked this as someone who isn’t bowel incontinence but is prone to having accidents once in a while and this procedure makes me feel that I would be more at risk of having an accident afterwards even if it’s just water or some other kind of fluid. This is good info so that I know what I’m going to have to deal with when I go in for this procedure it also makes me glad I found a thin plastic backed diaper that works for me for these kind of needs and it is the north shore supreme light thanks for any help
nikthewerelion said:
I’ve read all of the post so far, and my only kind of question so far is this, is there a chance that you will have a bowel accident even after the colonoscopy is done even though it may not be actual poop is this where the thinner diaper situation comes in because you will just basically be in continent for the next few hours after the procedure? I asked this as someone who isn’t bowel incontinence but is prone to having accidents once in a while and this procedure makes me feel that I would be more at risk of having an accident afterwards even if it’s just water or some other kind of fluid. This is good info so that I know what I’m going to have to deal with when I go in for this procedure it also makes me glad I found a thin plastic backed diaper that works for me for these kind of needs and it is the north shore supreme light thanks for any help

Before I had major issues with bowel incontinece And was mostly just urgency I always found after a colonoscopy I’d have to wear a pad or pull up for a little while after Cos you can get quite gassy and not know whether it’s just gas.
Take an anti-gas AT THE STRONGEST STRENGTH during and after the prep. You will be full of air otherwise. Plus, less untrustworthy farts. Do not trust a fart for 24 hours after the prep. Trust me on this.
I have had 3 colonoscopies - start with the Magnesium Citrate - you can get it in lemon or lime flavor - as mentioned above prep it in the fridge to make it more palatable -
the MC is a sort of prime the pump for the Go-Litely stuff to follow - about an hour after drinking the MC the bowel activity starts with purging of the colon then you drink
the GL stuff - they recommend the full gallon 4 liters but I was only able to tolerate 2 liters of it and at that point the system was running clear so that was fine - diapered
up in heading off to the clinic - at the clinic you fill out a bunch of the usual blah blah forms strip and toss the diaper if used - save for later if not - then comes the cute open
back gown and off to the OR - sedation is the normal to make everyone comfortable - they were a bit tardy on the third operation and I let them know about it and I was
out without a peep a second later - before they start you have an IV inserted in a vein for the knockout anesthesia - after you are comfortably on your side and with the IV
started the camera operated probe is inserted in the rectum and moved upstream checking for growths polyps - if something is found it is snipped off and removed for
examination biopsy etc. - I have found on the three occasions that I did not need the diaper afterward - they must use some drying agent or sterile towel to soak up the wetness
that would be there if they did not - although I did wear the diaper home from the clinic just to be sure - normal bowel movements begin in 1 - 2 days - messy gooey to start
with and returning to logs and turds by day 3 - continued wearing of the diaper is recommend until confidence is restored - the colonoscopy has little or no effect on the
urinary tract.
So the worse part is the actual prep downing the MC and drinking the GL till
system is running clear - Oh there is a degree of fasting required about a day
before the event in order for the MC and GL to have less work in cleaning the
system for the operation - Once the MC is started be prepared to park upon
the porcelain throne otherwise after starting the GL you will waste a carton of
diapers in short order - right after you come around you will be advised of
what was found if anything and advised of what happens next - in my case
nothing was found - sign the release papers insurance billing and off I go -
you are not permitted to drive home from the clinic so a relative or friend
is required to sign you out - reason lingering after effects possible with the
anesthesia liabilities etc.
In a lengthy paragraph that's all there is to it and it is the best method to
get the results needed.
Think nothing of wearing diapers to and from the clinic - even the staff would
recommend it for you to be comfortable and for them to contend with any
unexpected accidents.
Were you completely knocked out babylock? Did they wait until you were unconscious before inserting the probe, or did they just go for it? That's the part I'm most afraid of.
In my cases I remember being taken to the procedure room and being rolled over on my side but nothing about the procedure at all. I woke up in the same room but there wasn't anything still in me.
I know, for me, every time, I was under before they started inserting the scope.
Same here. Bowel prep is as bad as having diareah, but for hours on end. Stay close to a toilet as it will be urgernt. I recommend wearing diapers during the prep, but only if you're able to pull the diaper down without undoing the tabs. Pullups if not.

The procedure itself is a pretty typical outpatient surgery/procedure. You will be knocked out for it, so no pain to worry about there. When you wake up your rear will be sore, like you just had another bout of diareah. They do pump you full of nitrogen gas to aid in the colonoscopy. As such, you will have terrible gas afterwards. This is expected though, and they won't even let you leave till you've passed some too.

You will want to wear a diaper or pullup afterwards too, as you eventually could have some fecal matter with that gas. Overall though, the procedure is not bad or painful at all.