Do Your Plushies Go Out With You?

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Incontinent
Do you have any plushies/stuffies who go out to public places with you? I have a little dragon and a new addition, a sweet little terrier puppy, both of which I made myself, who like to tag along when I go out. One or the other of them always accompanies me into shops, on trips, in the car, etc. I've learned to ignore the stares, and I've noticed that I get far fewer people looking at me than I had originally expected when I first started taking them out with me. People are too busy with their own lives to pay too much attention to me and my plushies. I like having them around because they make me feel safe, and we can play games together when we get bored.
99.9% of the time, the answer is no, even though I'd like to. Having a plushie around helps me feel secure and grounded. But I did take my Chase plushie with me on a bus to the casino last month, because I figured why not, I'll be around people I don't know. The older guy sitting next to me asked if it was for good luck. He stayed in my backpack around the casino but came out to watch the horse races with me.
My mother got me a bear (Tena Bear... Everyone knows girl bears aren't named "Ted.😝) for Christmas when I was 5. I still have her. And she's been to Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Germany... And more. So. Yes my bear gos everywhere with me.
i still sleep with my teddy and I take it but I keep it in my suitcase until I go sleep.
I do take my stuffed animals ~almost~ everywhere I go. To me, it doesn’t matter where I take them - I just sometimes choose not to for no reason sometimes. But I do try to when I can.

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Wuggle said:
Do you have any plushies/stuffies who go out to public places with you?
Yup. I have a Groudon pokémon stuffie, who I call Big Red, that goes with me most places. He's always my travel companion when I have to fly. Notable places he's been to CapCon and TeddyCon (obviously), but also the Zelda and Pokémon symphonies, the Nintendo World store, and the Empire State building. But, I have also taken stuffies with me to work. While I did telephone tech support for an online education company helping students and staff who were having trouble accessing the schools' website (that ' is not misplaced, btw) I was allowed to have stuffed animals and cuddle them, except when VIPs or other C-level people were around (which effectively was never). I now work a different position doing computer network engineering in a pretty relaxed office - I get to bring one to work and have him around while I do my thing. Yes, having a stuffie around is a big stress reliever.

Wuggle said:
I've learned to ignore the stares, and I've noticed that I get far fewer people looking at me than I had originally expected when I first started taking them out with me. People are too busy with their own lives to pay too much attention to me and my plushies. I like having them around because they make me feel safe, and we can play games together when we get bored.

Big Red travels with me, held visibly in one of my arms, from the moment I step out of the car or cab dropping me off at the airport. He's there while I check-in for my flight to get my boarding pass, while the TSA agent checks my flight details, while I wait in line to be security screened, while I wait at the gate for the airplane, while I get on the plane, and with me while I sit in my seat, get off, and also wait at baggage claim. Everyone is either oblivious, doesn't notice because they're concerned about their own things, or just ignores him. For me, I've noticed that the only ones that do stare are little kids :) Whenever someone else does notice Big Red, I've only ever had positive reactions. "aww that's so cute" or "Does it have a name?" etc

I do the same when I travel and especially if I'm going to stay overnight.

We had an ice storm the night that my mom and I were supposed to go to a resort hotel. We made the slippery drive there anyhow and I took my Everest plushie with me. When we checked in there were people there and one of them said "What's that for?" And I said "Well, she's the snow rescue pup! Everest! ICE AND SNOW, I'M READY TO GO!" And most of the people laughed and said "Yeah! We needed one of those on the way here!"

I have a small black and white plush pencil pouch puppy that I named Lefitte. I take him openly into work because I keep my emergency rescue inhaler inside him. It's SO MUCH FASTER to reach in and grab Lefitte than to stand there not able to breath digging and digging through what's in the bottom of my work backpack. So he goes most everywhere with me now.
That’s awesome, I love Big Red and Everest :D. I think Paw Patrol is pretty cute, Zuma is my favourite because I love the water, and his rhotacism (the speech impediment that prevents him from saying his Rs correctly) is super adorable.

I used to bring my little dragon Whisper to work with me in my backpack every day. I don’t work any more though so he has much more free reign than he used to.
This one of my plushies, "Woogie-Woogie" is a bit too conspicuous for me to carry around away from home, but I love him very much.
I'd love to take, "moosey" with me, but with a 14 year old son, somewhat difficult to explain. When he moves on, Im sure he will make the trip.
Woogie-Woogie is very cute Caitianx!

Littlemoosey, I hope moose can travel with you soon!
Woogie-Woogie is cute! :D He looks nice and smooshy for a good snuggle.

Yes Peter Rabat come with me. And I have a bear in my Office he like to help me with my paper work and interviewing staff.

Pfft. They're no fun then, Speck. :p

I openly carried plushies up until I was sixteen and my own mom said "You know what? Better a bear than a baby at sixteen, right?" And most people would stop, think about it and go "Yeah!" I only stopped because the coat I had with an interior pocket wore out and I couldn't find a new one with one. :( I needed somewhere to put my little friends when I needed both hands. (Can't sit them down, they have a tendency to wander off that way.)
Cuddlewoozle is right Speck, your family is no fun! Cuddlewoozle, you're also right that teddies left unattended have a habit of wandering off and getting into mischief!
Hmmm. I've never considered bringing one with me. Maybe Moobelle will become my driving buddy.
I'd almost forgotten...

When I first started working at my new job, I was terrified. I mean, literally scared. to. death. I sat in the car shaking for ten minutes before I forced myself out and into the building. So the next day, I brought along Paddington Bear as a companion since he had so much experience meeting new people in strange places. He opted to stay in the car with his marmalade sammies, but I felt SO much better knowing that he was waiting for me. And then when I had to switch to second shift (they didn't -ask- they just said "You are going to second shift."), I brought a little plush bat with me because I was actually scared of the dark.

Now I only bring Lafitte the Rescue Puppy who keeps my inhaler. I don't need him for moral support usually, but it does help me relax to know he's there waiting to help. I know everyone who works there now and we're all super-friendly with each other so I'm not scared anymore.
Dude... that Groundon plushie is FREAKING AMAZING!!! I LOVE IT!!!
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