What is your most comfortable ‘using’ place?

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My wife in a standing position in a standstill every 15-30 minutes. This causes her to to get up when he is sitting or stop for a few seconds when she walking.
I pee in whatever position I can to make it easier in future for my bladder to relax, as for pooping it's usually either squatting, bending down a little or occassionally I will do it sitting or lying down.
I love to wet while sitting down, but it is easiest while standing/walking. Messing is rare for me (because of clean up) but I will mess while standing so I can plop down and feel it squish around.
I normally pee in any position, as soon as the feeling comes, my bladder relaxes and releases, so I’ve mastered that. If I do poop I would usually do it in the standing position, but since reading this thread I started toddler squatting, did it on my hands and knees in the crawling position and even while laying on my back, I prefer all methods.
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