Has anyone here had the TURP procedure?

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  1. Adult Baby
Aside from what the urologist might tell me. What did you experience? Did it help with the symptoms you were having?
littlemoosey said:
Aside from what the urologist might tell me. What did you experience? Did it help with the symptoms you were having?

I had the TUIP done several months ago. It is not exactly the same procedure, but similar, as I understand it. Basically, they went in and made an incision in my internal sphincter to open it up and help my bladder empty more completely. I think the TUIP is similar but maybe a little more invasive? Anyway, in my case, the worst part (by far) was the Foley catheter I had to wear for a couple days afterward. The procedure was simple and quick and there was little to no pain afterward. There were traces of blood for some weeks after, but not bad.

I believe it has helped my bladder to empty, though I'm starting to wonder if it may be closing back up some. My urologist advised that it would take a while, but I should see improvement with my incontinence issues. Before surgery, I generally had control but was prone to sudden floods or leaks. Immediately after surgery, I realized I had almost no control, and no warning - like anywhere from 6-10 seconds. Over time, my control and warning has increased somewhat, but I still have times where I flood. I am currently working on timed voiding to see if it helps... Ironically, where I used to wet the bed almost every night, I now only wet the bed maybe once or twice a week. As soon as I stand up in the morning, however, I immediately flood.

So I guess it has helped in some areas, and made things worse or the same in others. The main reason I had it done was because I was retaining 400 to 500 ccs after urinating, so I think it has helped in that area. My wife and I were talking today and we both kind of wish he had made 2 cuts instead of just one, but that's a different discussion.
Thank you for the detailed answer RedStrpLvr.

I'm not retaining urine, but have narrowing that is restricting the flow and making it take forever to go. So the urge to go is there but it is if the straw is crushed and the flow is restricted.

So am hoping this helps.

Thanx again.
There are several procedures now that are used instead of TURP. They have green light laser treatment, rezum which uses heat and others. They are all less invasive than TURP, but designed to improve flow. Check with urologist to see if any of those might help.
chuck said:
There are several procedures now that are used instead of TURP. They have green light laser treatment, rezum which uses heat and others. They are all less invasive than TURP, but designed to improve flow. Check with urologist to see if any of those might help.

Well, shoot. A day late and a dollar short seeing this reply.

I had the TURP earlier today. As I stand here there is a catheter as big as a garden hose inserted...well you know where. I was out for the procedure, and other than waking up with not one but two huge bags of fluids running into my bladder to flush it out there was little discomfort. Since coming home, I have had nearly a gallon of water.

The fluid coming through the catheter is cranberry juice red from the bleeding. I see the Dr. again tomorrow for possible removal of the catheter. The Dr. told me that for about the first 2 weeks, I will wonder why I went through with this. 2 weeks later when I have a stream that will compete with my 14 year old son. I will KNOW why.

As far as urgency is concerned, the Dr. said that reduction of urgency can be a pleasant side effect but not a guarantee. I stopped taking the Vasicare based on the loss of memory/dementia concerns. He did say though that this procedure would get me off the BPH medicine as well as the flow medicine.

We explored the new "urolift" procedure, but he said the jury was still out, and if it does not work, doing the TURP after the fact is difficult. It seems that the metal bands they insert with the urolift makes doing a subsequent TURP more difficult.

So here is hoping that all of this will provide some positive benefit. The amount of time I spent standing at the urinal, was becoming epic. I could have written a book.
Best of luck on the recovery! Let us know how it goes and keep us updated on the results. The catheter was the worst part of my procedure...LOL
RedStripeLvr said:
Best of luck on the recovery! Let us know how it goes and keep us updated on the results. The catheter was the worst part of my procedure...LOL

I had the catheter pulled earlier today. I don't know what would be more pleasant, having razor wire pulled through your urethra or the fire hose that they had stuffed up there.

So now on the take it easy plan for the next 2 weeks. That sux as I like to get allot of exercise. I can walk though, no lifting nothing strenuous.

The next hurdle for today is taking a piss, hopefully that will happen later and I wont have to go and have the thing put back in.

Ill send up a flare when I "tinkle".

Thanx moosey
Good luck. I hope that your recovery is smooth and rapid.
Slept a whole lot better last night, no catheter in. I did have to get up every few hours to take a leak and that was pretty painful. However each successive time got a "little" better. Today is MUCH better than yesterday, although there is still blood, the flow is improving each successive time and the burning is diminishing.

So far so good.
Glad to hear that the recovery is fast. When do you think you will be completely back to normal?
As each hour passes, it gets easier and easier to urinate, and there is barely a hint of blood in the urine this evening. I have noticed after sitting though that I am a bit sore in the perineum area, possibly a bit bruised there from the procedure.

The Dr. said that it would take about 2 weeks, but he also said he has had patients that see a big improvement more quickly. I am hoping for the more quickly part!

I go back to work tomorrow, and hope there is no complications.

Ill keep you posted.
It s been 9 days since the procedure, and I am feeling much better. No more pain on urination with just an occasional trace of blood in the urine. With each day the flow gets stronger and stronger. I am looking forward to the Dr's appointment next week to get released back to full activity.

Overall the first 3 days were really miserable but since then I really can not complain. Here is hoping that in a few more weeks I really will have a stream like a 14 year old.
Too bad I went here a few weeks ago. I did go through a TURP about 6 months ago.

My experience was about the same as yours. The pain slowly went down in step with the reduction in bleeding.

Have you passed any blood clots yet?
You will get stinging and more bleeding after peeing out a blood clot, but it is temporary and a good sign you are healing. After about 2 months I was able to sit in a padded chair without too much discomfort. Though you will want to keep sitting on a prenial donut for at least 3 months after your surgery.

FYI, my turp was to remove a stricture. It failed so I have also since had my entire prostate removed. Interestingly that surgery and recovery was less painful than the turp. And it worked to remove my stricture too.
Thanx for the info Slomo. I saw the Dr. today, it will be 2 weeks tomorrow. Yes I have seen some clots come out, and there is still sporadic bleeding. He told me the bleeding could go on for another month. :( I really wanted to get back to working out, and he told me not to until all of the bleeding has stopped for a few days. I guess I was not expecting that. I thought that the recovery was going to be much less time.

What is a "stricture"?
It took me a full 2 months before I was feeling up to just doing chores again. 3 months before I started doing my usual yoga. It takes time to heal from this so don't push it. Overdoing it will only set you back even further.

A stricture is scar tissue that forms in the urethra. It can get big enough to actually block your urethra completely off. Mine was part way into the prostate, hence my turp to try and remove it.
Glad for all this info. I'm 71 and have BPH and peeing is somewhat troubling but not BAD. My family doc says wait as long as possible in my case. The procedures get better as time goes by. So I am putting up with problems that are just annoying.
I am at almost a month now. The bleeding is pretty much over, just an occasional tinge of blood. The flow is pretty good but I still get some stinging which makes it hard sometimes to get the flow going. It is if the stinging telegraphs to hold back so that there will not be more stinging. I need to unlearn that.
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