Peeing when pooping&other way round and fart incontinence

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I hope I chose the right place to write this...

My body has been like this for years and years but now I’m starting to think there might be something wrong with me. Now I’m asking: is this common, what’s going on and should I go to a doctor?

When I go to toilet to pee and relax, I most often also poo. I can’t help it. It happens even five times a day. And when I go to poo I also pee, against my will. I realized this might not be normal when I thought about men peeing. If they were like me they’d poo on their pants!

Other embarrassing thing is that I simply can’t hold a fart in. So I have lots of awkward situations... I started to think this might be abnormal when I thought about the rule ”don’t fart amongst other people, it’s not polite.” So some people can hold it in for some time, right?

Am I suffering from some kind of weird partial incontinence thing?

Uh, this was embarrassing to write.
What's your diet like? perhaps you need more soluble type fibre?
I have tried diets rich in fibre, fodmap, gluten-free, vegan... No change. Nowadays I eat normal diet but only little meat because I don’t like it.
Sounds to me you might have IBS Ether way from the problems youre decribing i would strongly sugest a tripp to the docs and check this out its NOT normal, reg the pee against youre will when you poo thats Actually normal

why do we often urinate when we defecate, but not vice versa? The main reason is that the muscles of the pelvic floor play a role in defecation and urination. The pelvic floor muscles relax when we defecate. However, they will not necessarily have to fully relax when we urinate. But when the pelvic floor musculature does relax, in addition to allowing stool to pass, it decreases the tension in our urinary sphincters, allowing urine to flow. Because our anal sphincters are stronger than our urinary sphincters, it is easier for us to have control over our bowels than our urine.

The passing of wind etc.. (perhaps feeling bloated al the time etc... Again IBS BUT thats for the doc to diagnoce of course
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It is common and completely normL for people to automatically pee when they poop. However, it is not common to need to poop 5 times a day. For that, you should go see a doctor.
Thanks for answers. Now I know I should go to see someone. I talked with my mom in sauna and she said I could ask a gynecologist(I’ll have an appointment next month) and if she couldn’t help she could make a referral to someone who knows about such things. So I wouldn’t need to call the health care centre at all:) Problem solved!
Best of luck to you!!
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