Bad day

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
Hi everyone,
as seen by the title I'm not having a very fun time right now. I have chronic migraines, and while most days I can handle them, today is just really really bad. Painkillers just don't work on me, and I had a lot of water today, so that's not gonna help.

I've been hovering between headspaces all day, and at this point I'm not sure if aging down would help or just make me break down completely, especially since I'm alone right now and when little me is feeling bad I just need to be held.

So...I'm not really sure if this is the right place to vent, but I needed to tell someone.
What do you guys do when you're feeling bad? Just...any advice would be appreciated.

Hugs and cuddles,
This is the perfect place to vent. I'm sorry you're feeling down. Here's a big :hug: for you! That's the best I can do when I'm on the other side of the world.

My advice is to try little you. Forget the adult world. Put on a diaper and watch some cartoons or color. Take a nap later. Think happy, little thoughts!
Thank you for replying!

The problem with aging down right now is that I'm a huge crybaby when little. Even a needle prick can lead to tears. And experience tells me that crying only makes my headaches worse, so I don't really want to go into headspace, but being in pain usually makes me age down, so I'm fighting that on top of my migraine, but I know being little would make me you see my dilemma?

Though it is actually quite late where I maybe two more hours, I can go to sleep. Maybe with a paci so I stop grinding my teeth...
Yes I see your dilemma. It's a tough one. Definitely sleep with a paci and hopefully tomorrow will be better. :)
I too suffer from migraines, they are awful and when I am having one, I never want to regress. I know some AB's and littles like regressing when they are feeling under the weather, I suppose I'm the odd baby out because feeling ill and regressing is never a good time for me. When I regress, I like feeling happy and healthy, I'm much more affectionate, I explore more and it's just a much more fun baby experience overall.

If you need help for a migraine and over the counter meds don't help you, try doing some breathing exercises and meditation. I've found that when shutting off the lights and, taking some deep breaths and throwing on a meditation tape or some tranquil nature noises on youtube helps to lessen my migraines significantly, sometimes this process will make my migraine go away entirely. Taking a nap can also help, although, I know some people struggle to sleep off headaches and migraines.

As Scaramouche has said, this is a good place to vent and seek advice. My advice, if you think being little while experiencing this headache might hurt more than it helps, maybe hold off on regressing until you feel 100%. If you really wanna be little, then maybe try some light meditation and breathing exercises to curb that nasty migraine. No matter what you decide, I hope you feel better soon and can regress happily :)
I have migranes too. I have found that vasodilatation is causing them and the only thing that kills my migraines is caffeine, which is a vasoconstrictor. I pop a 200mg pill of caffeine and my migraine is gone within minutes. Obviously I cannot sleep after that, but it beat being in pain.

I suggest you give it a try next time you get hit. In absence of caffeine pills, a tripple espresso should do it too.
Schwanensee said:
Hi everyone,
as seen by the title I'm not having a very fun time right now. I have chronic migraines, and while most days I can handle them, today is just really really bad. Painkillers just don't work on me, and I had a lot of water today, so that's not gonna help.

I've been hovering between headspaces all day, and at this point I'm not sure if aging down would help or just make me break down completely, especially since I'm alone right now and when little me is feeling bad I just need to be held.

So...I'm not really sure if this is the right place to vent, but I needed to tell someone.
What do you guys do when you're feeling bad? Just...any advice would be appreciated.

Hugs and cuddles,

I'm sorry to hear in you're in pain. I suffer from migraines too -- if you haven't already done so, try asking your doctor for migraine meds. Imitrix or a related form has worked well for mine. Well, here's some virtual hugs and I hope you feel better soon.

Sorry you're hurting. Usually when I don't feel well I just go to bed and try to sleep it out. Sunday morning I woke up and I couldn't see. I turned the overhead light on and it was like a million bright, faceted lights. I had no idea what was happening other than I thought my son would have to drive me to the ER. I decided to take my shower because I was supposed to go into work. By the time I was done with my shower, I could see a little bit better. By the time I shaved, etc., I was almost back to normal. Someone at church said that happens to them when they get a migraine headache. The odd thing was that I didn't have a headache. I moved all of my extremities checking for stroke symptoms and didn't have any problems there. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

I hope you get over your migraine soon as they're miserable.
Thanks to all of you for your advice. I went to sleep early last night and woke up feeling at leat a little better.

The thing with my migraines/headaches is that they never really go away. I have days where I'm distracted and can mostly forget about them, but I honestly can't remember the last time I was completely headache-free for more than two hours, with or without medication. I've gone through all the tests that one can do for something like this, but nothing out of the ordinary was found: My vision is fine, my blood is fine, I'm neither over- nor underweight, my nervous system is fine, I don't have any underlying illnesses, not even any allergies. My neurologist put me on several medications that have been known to reduce migraines (even antidepressants...that was a fun time) but nothing helped, I only got the side effects. I tried all kinds of painkillers and migraine medicines, but they all either did nothing or made the pain worse.
When traditional medicine failed, I saw a number of alternative doctors, but none of them really helped in the long term either. I've been prescribed physical therapy, special baths, vitamins, detox drops, but again, nothing helped. It seems like I just have to live with it?

Thankfully days like yesterday, where the pain gets unbearable, are rare. I am usually a very positive person and try not to let it hold me back too much, but it would be awfully nice to have something to lessen the pain when it gets too much...

Meditation helps to a certain degree, though music and nature sounds are a no-go when it's bad. Yesterday, I couldn't really sit still, and distraction was the route to take, but today, it might get me a ten minute period of little to no pain...but not more, which is why I often don't bother. I think I regress when in pain because that's when I am able to actually show it. Some time around grade 4, I stopped crying in front of people, so my brain connected crying with being small, I guess. Which is not to say that I'm always sad when I'm little, but it is a trigger for me.

Caffeine is usually 50/50 on whether it will help or make everything worse. There's been days where a coffee made it almost disappear, and there's been days where it triggered an attack.

dogboy, what you're describing does sound like an aura. I don't really get those (often), but I have heard that they can appear as a singular symptom without a headache as well.
You certainly have it rough.
This is not meant to be medical advice, just something to think about. I used to have one to two migraines a week. It went on for decades. When I found that I am intolerant to gluten products, and cut them out. my incidence went down to one in a few months. Everybody's different.
I understand your pain. I have had migraines since I was 2. They last at least three days at a time and happen 1 to 2 times a week so more often than not I have one. I am on several medications for them. They help keep the pain to a dull roar most of the time but I can honestly say I have a really hard time being little when my head hurts. When I am sick, yes I love being little and babied and cared for but not when it's my head. I'm going to be honest with you, when they get bad a 1 to 1 1/2 dose of Zzzquil is the only way I can stand being alive. I don't know if you ever get this way but you almost want to like punch a wall just so that the pain in your hand distracts you from the pain in your head. So I take my meds and some Zzzquil and attempt to sleep it off. If it gets bad enough to the hospital for pain blockers just to sleep.
I feel for you. I regularly get migraines--though nowhere nearly as often as you--and they lay me out. If I don't lay down with a sleeping mask to block out light, I end up hugging the toilet doing the technicolor yawn. Overall, it's a pretty miserable time and I'm almost begging for someone to put a bullet in my dome.

I'm not sure how I would handle them if I had them everyday or almost everyday.
LittleAndrea said:
I understand your pain. I have had migraines since I was 2. They last at least three days at a time and happen 1 to 2 times a week so more often than not I have one. I am on several medications for them. They help keep the pain to a dull roar most of the time but I can honestly say I have a really hard time being little when my head hurts. When I am sick, yes I love being little and babied and cared for but not when it's my head. I'm going to be honest with you, when they get bad a 1 to 1 1/2 dose of Zzzquil is the only way I can stand being alive. I don't know if you ever get this way but you almost want to like punch a wall just so that the pain in your hand distracts you from the pain in your head. So I take my meds and some Zzzquil and attempt to sleep it off. If it gets bad enough to the hospital for pain blockers just to sleep.

Fortunately, I can still stand the pain most days without medication. Unfortunately, I do not have medication that will help me on bad days. I just looked up what Zzzquil is, it seems to be mostly melatonin? I take that if the pain keeps me from sleeping, otherwise I don't want to throw off my sleep schedule too badly since that only makes matters worse.
I definitely know about the "punching the wall" thing, I used to pull at my hair to counterpoint the feeling of pressure. Now it's too short to pull and I'm stuck wanting to claw my eyeballs out...
My mum has offered to take me to the hospital several times when it got really bad, but being in a hospital makes me tense up, which also makes the pain worse.
I really hope you feel better soon. I have no idea how to help with the migraine part, but personally, I take a long bath and cuddle with my cat.
If light wont bother your migraine, then I have an idea. Get a phone with no plain on it, or use your own phone if it has enough space, and download some free games! I personally enjoy tap tap fish, and dress up games if im in head-space.
If not on a phone, I also play free games online, such as bloons tower defense 5 on ninjakiwi, or toontown rewritten!
I also try to stay in bed and take a nap, or talk to friends who know me well enough. If im cranky, then I talk to people understanding enough that they dont get offended, or tell them beforehand.

I seriously hope things get better...

Bless be.



LimeBloodedNoir said:
I really hope you feel better soon. I have no idea how to help with the migraine part, but personally, I take a long bath and cuddle with my cat.
If light wont bother your migraine, then I have an idea. Get a phone with no plain on it, or use your own phone if it has enough space, and download some free games! I personally enjoy tap tap fish, and dress up games if im in head-space.
If not on a phone, I also play free games online, such as bloons tower defense 5 on ninjakiwi, or toontown rewritten!
I also try to stay in bed and take a nap, or talk to friends who know me well enough. If im cranky, then I talk to people understanding enough that they dont get offended, or tell them beforehand.

I seriously hope things get better...

Bless be.

That is a good idea for distraction, sadly games never hold my attention for long, no matter what headspace I'm in^^"
I actually ended up putting on the musical "Cats" (music tends to bother me least of all noises) and when I was all comfy with a blanket, my cat joined me for a cuddle. The really seem to know when their people are feeling down.

Screens are okay since I have them on their lowest brightness setting with a pretty heavy blue light filter (which, honestly, I would recommend to anyone),

I don't get...cranky, per se, but words sometimes get hard when I have a really bad migraine. So I usually avoid talking to anyone. (Unless you mean via texting, which, honestly, this thread was my alternative since I didn't want to whine at my friends...again.)
Aw, now i'm felling stupid for asking you if it was chronic earlier....Sorry about that :/
I could not know how you're feeling about this pain, but i'm empathize since i've got permanent tinitus in both ears since years. Since it never interrupt, it screwed up my concentration and my sleep during the first year: so here my advice about these issues (unfortunately it could be irrevelant for the physical pain itself :/ ).

1. Breathing exercice: deep abdominal breathing is a good start.
Another exercise : this one don't work with everybody but can help regardless:
put the end of your tongue against your gum (close to your front teeth on the upper jaw, relax your tongue, limit the contact with the whole palate) and inhale some air during 7 SECONDES, then exhale slowly during 6 seconds. Inhale again during 7 seconds, then block your respiration during 6 seconds (or 3, depending your preference). And finally exhale slowly during 6 seconds again. You can repeat this exercise 3 time before bed or during a pain crisis.

You can also massage your own head , temples or jaws depending where the pain is noticeable (try massaging with a cold tissue. Putting gloves or a towel, for that in the fridge, could seem goofy but why not?) :p
Also...Cry, just cry without restraint! It's a natural and healthy reaction...Take care!
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