A lot of water, too much water? (health)

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People here say that a good thing about being DL or ABDL, is the fact that it's a good way of being perpetualy well hydrated.

And I was thinking that the more we drink, the better we were, but I read an article explaining that drinking too much water in a day could be harmful to your health.:dunno:
Indeed frequently eliminating water within a day (by sweating or urinating), lead to eliminate the sediments and mineral salts of the body more quickly (for this reason, sportsmen drink special drinks, rich in Minerals salts after training, due to transpiration draining too much) .... So if one wants to drink a lot of water in one day what precaution are needed to take? Drinking water with high magnesium level? Adding mineral salts? This go against my old belief that "the more water = the better" I am confused now...What do you think?:sweatdrop:
Regardless of what you add to your water, your body can only process so much in an hour and per day. Drinking too much water can lead to overhydration and has even caused some deaths. As all things, moderation is the key.
You would probably have to drink several gallons if water in just a few hours to get water poisioning.

Staying well hydrated meand drinking half of that and spread out throughout the day. With this, there is nothing special you need to take. Other than water that is.
It takes a lot of water to mess up your electrolytes badly, most people would start feeling ill long before that. If you're worried, try drinking gatorade instead of water. I can't say for sure, but I'd think it'd be impossible to overdose on gatorade due to its electrolyte replacement? Though gatorade contains a lot of sodium also because they're expecting you to sweat it out, so you may want to pay attention to that)
As others have stated, to overhydrate to the point that water becomes toxic typically requires extremely large amounts to be drunk within a short period of time. Of course, you still want to be reasonable with your intake of any chemicals.

Simply eating food also replaces many of the lost salts and nutrients, assuming you're drinking an average amount.
Slomo said:
You would probably have to drink several gallons if water in just a few hours to get water poisioning.

Staying well hydrated meand drinking half of that and spread out throughout the day. With this, there is nothing special you need to take. Other than water that is.
so goes the 2 pots of coffee in the morning huh ? LOL
PaddedDeist said:
There was that woman who died in 2007 from water intoxication from drinking too much water in order to win a Nintendo Wii...


Yeah, and you're point is???? Of course it's possible to O.D. on water alone. Of course it take a HUGE amount of water in a short time frame to do it though. No average person, with even a high amount of water intake, will die from ingesting what most people think is "too much" water.
I typically drink approx between 80 and 100 oz of water a day, I also get much needed salts / minerals from my diet, like eating green leaf salads, fruits, vegetables and have some type of meat.
When I do a hardcore project in the heat or work out I will mix in a sports drink here and there to help maintain my electrolytes, but generally speaking if your not in vigorous activity strait water with a healthy diet is good enough, sport drinks are a double edge sword, they do fill a need again when used properly, but if used on a regular basis they can have little to any benefit and can actually hurt your teeth if consumed all the time due to higher sugars.
Slomo said:
Yeah, and you're point is???? Of course it's possible to O.D. on water alone. Of course it take a HUGE amount of water in a short time frame to do it though. No average person, with even a high amount of water intake, will die from ingesting what most people think is "too much" water.

I was showing documentation of an actual event where it happened--a case study if you will. IIRC, the poor woman drank 2 gallons of water within three hours and that put her into serious trouble. Your body has to maintain a good balance of electrolytes and water--too much of either can cause serious trouble. The amount drunk and the short period of time that it was consumed in are certainly big factors here.
PaddedDeist said:
I was showing documentation of an actual event where it happened--a case study if you will. IIRC, the poor woman drank 2 gallons of water within three hours and that put her into serious trouble. Your body has to maintain a good balance of electrolytes and water--too much of either can cause serious trouble. The amount drunk and the short period of time that it was consumed in are certainly big factors here.

Wasn't that the contest where they weren't allowed to pee, either?
Yes, I remember that also, hold your wee for a wee Nintendo contest
Yeah, and most of us also know that holding your pee like that is not a great idea either.

The problem is the balance of those electrolytes like salt and water. If you load up on too much water, osmosis will draw out those electrolytes from the cells and you need those for proper cellular function. Too much salt--or other electrolytes--in the body will draw the water out of the cells due to osmosis--another potential for disaster.
I know I have trouble drinking water, especially the amounts required, such as two Nalgenes full of water withen a certain time period.
Also I can drink purified water, but not spring water, because it bothers my throat.
I often have trouble with tap water since I can taste the bleach used to kill the microorganisms in it. A water filter/pitcher helps that a lot. I remember going to a water taste test in college and I surprised the people at the booth since I could easily tell the difference between tap, filtered and bottled by how strong the bleach taste was. (Tap--Strong; Filtered--Faint; Bottled--None)
Well, I just wanted to comment on how I always read on here about comments "I need 4 diapers per day" and they say they are wearing cushies or something. Don't understand, those/these are to absorbant. I drink as much as my body tells me to, which can be 1 can of soda in a 24 hour period or 6. Even around 4 I usually start water before reaching too many sodas, but I still use at most 1/3rd of my diapers capacity, I have to force extra water to even have the need to change more then once in 24 hours. It sounds to me that some people drink more then necessary.
I have been drinking more water lately as a challenge to myself. I can drink about 3L maximum thereabouts. Not sure how healthy that is, but I believe there is 5L of blood in the human body, so that's over 50%
neaendr said:
People here say that a good thing about being DL or ABDL, is the fact that it's a good way of being perpetualy well hydrated.

And I was thinking that the more we drink, the better we were, but I read an article explaining that drinking too much water in a day could be harmful to your health.:dunno:
Indeed frequently eliminating water within a day (by sweating or urinating), lead to eliminate the sediments and mineral salts of the body more quickly (for this reason, sportsmen drink special drinks, rich in Minerals salts after training, due to transpiration draining too much) .... So if one wants to drink a lot of water in one day what precaution are needed to take? Drinking water with high magnesium level? Adding mineral salts? This go against my old belief that "the more water = the better" I am confused now...What do you think?:sweatdrop:

I prolly drink two gallons of water a day. No harm in that. Keeps you well hydrated. Prevents UTIs and I support it. I am an athlete and I drink water constantly....no prob for my aspect
I think the average ABDL diaper nowadays has gone way beyond "typical diaper use capacity", for daytime anyway. Most IC will change several times a day, and you're just not going to get much use out of a premium diaper changing that often. You've got to remember that those diapers are being made with a different balance of design goals in mind. Regularly wearing a wet diaper for extended periods of time just won't be tolerated by the majority of people's skin. You can get away with it overnight easier due to the lack of physical activity though.
Drinking too much water may have negative impact, but truth be told it's very hard to drink too much water. Usually people tend to drink not enough water instead of drinking it too much, I was one of those guys that was being dehydrated for most of the time and didn't even realize. Actually most people is dehydrated and they don't realize it now, right now I'm trying to drink 4 to 5 litres of water daily, that include tea, cola etc. although I try to limit sweetened drinks as they make me feel less hydrated, so basically I often compensate myself by drinking more water.
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