huggies commercials

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
youtubing commercials and thought this one was particularly cute

Big sister pours half a glass of water into baby bro's diaper cause she's in too much of a hurry to finish it herself.
I've seen that one. Yeah it is particularly cute
I remember seeing this one where a baby sees a leaking fire hydrant then he takes off his diaper and puts it over said hydrant and walks off showing his cute little butt.

However I can't find this one on YouTube. But I found a couple of similar ones. They involve a water pipe and a garden hose and end the same way. I believe they aired in 2002/3.
Its great that the little bro is complicit in fooling mom. he will be happily wearing diapers for a long time.
ggreggy said:
Its great that the little bro is complicit in fooling mom. he will be happily wearing diapers for a long time.

I'm not sure he was all that complicit. He had a WTH look on his face when she did it.
Illinoise said:
I'm not sure he was all that complicit. He had a WTH look on his face when she did it.

I kind of agree with this. I think he had a 'I'm going to get blamed for this, aren't I?' look.
Haha...yeah I thought he had that, "what the f**k look." I would have too.
ugh sneaky little girl hehehe
Heheh. Ahhhh! Those were the days... (...when Huggies existed in the UK.)

But really? "When you've finished your water?" What mom would risk a power struggle with her five-year-old over a cup of water? Milk or juice, maybe, but not water. C'mon! Get real. But I guess it wouldn't have been quite as innocent if the little girl had poured orange juice down her brother's diaper.

At least it wasn't this:


(Looks out window, sees neighbor kids building a snowman.)
Mommy, can I go out and play?

Sure. As soon as you've finished your hot cocoa.

(Grabs back of little boy's diaper, pulls it out, begins pouring hot cocoa.)


Hard cut to picture of Huggies diaper packaging, playful glockenspiel music.


Actually, this hot cocoa scenario makes me realize: If the little girl had been drinking cold water, the little boy would certainly have reacted with surprise and/or discomfort at having it poured down his diaper. That means she was obviously drinking room temperature or lukewarm water. Warm water! "DRINK YOUR WARM WATER, OR NO PLAYTIME FOR YOU!!"


That mom's a monster!
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Cottontail said:
But really? "When you've finished your water?" What mom would risk a power struggle with her five-year-old over a cup of water?

Maybe one in some third-world country where you're lucky if your water isn't full of cholera and dysentery... but I don't think the UK qualifies.
KimbaWolfNagihiko said:
Maybe one in some third-world country where you're lucky if your water isn't full of cholera and dysentery... but I don't think the UK qualifies.
I was thinking Kevin Costner's "Waterworld." But then the line would have been, "...when you've finished your recycled urine." Ironic!
Their commercials are funny and cute :D
here's another one. this is 1986 perhaps the beginning of super trim and thin diapers. checkout the comparison with thick
diapers. It was only 2 years earlier that huggies was pushing the thick diapers. It is interesting to see the trend.
ArchtopK said:
here's another one. this is 1986 perhaps the beginning of super trim and thin diapers. checkout the comparison with thick
diapers. It was only 2 years earlier that huggies was pushing the thick diapers. It is interesting to see the trend.

What's really interesting is to think that the toddlers in this spot are now about 32 or 33 years old.:)
luckwarm water is better than broccoli. if mom found that in the diaper the stuff would have really hit the fan.
ggreggy said:
luckwarm water is better than broccoli. if mom found that in the diaper the stuff would have really hit the fan.

True, I suppose. As a five-year-old, I might have preferred drinking my own urine to eating broccoli. These days, I actually like broccoli.

And I'd probably be fine with drinking my own urine now, too. Having acclimated to the flavors of American beers, I must assume that my tongue no longer works.

But I digress.

(Although the ad would have been a lot funnier if the girl had sipped her mom's Coors Light, made a sour face, and then poured it down her brother's diaper. I'd have watched it a few more times.)
I remember that commercial
the brother didn't seem very happy with his sister pouring water in his diaper which was probably already wet anyway
I tend to wonder if they actually used the child in the picture for the "pour" sequence. or if there was a stand in. I say that because the kid stands awfully still while she does that. And I am not so sure it would go that way in real life.
Cottontail said:
True, I suppose. As a five-year-old, I might have preferred drinking my own urine to eating broccoli. These days, I actually like broccoli.

And I'd probably be fine with drinking my own urine now, too. Having acclimated to the flavors of American beers, I must assume that my tongue no longer works.

But I digress.

(Although the ad would have been a lot funnier if the girl had sipped her mom's Coors Light, made a sour face, and then poured it down her brother's diaper. I'd have watched it a few more times.)

you are right, it would have been very funny with coors ending up in the diaper. but then again, thats where much of my beer ends up when watching football
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