Just met someone, but I dont know how to seize the opportunity

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
I think I have just been really lucky, but I've just met someone in my area (literally, we live 10 minutes apart) that defines herself as "I am a mommy, open to suggestions, but im into: age play, regression, cuddles."

The thing is that I consider myself mostly a DL... With a very little interest in AB. In my fantasy I do feel like little, with potty problems, and I have a mommy that takes care... But as it's something that I've always fantasized alone, and maybe these fantasies only last a couple of seconds (then I'm back to my business: watching tv, working, playing videogames) in the event where we meet to play I don't know what I will do to make this play last longer.
The thing is that her definition matches with my fantasy: cuddles and age-play... But it only lasts some seconds.

It's her first time as well, so she really has no clue either. By now we decided to keep meeting just to talk, and see what interests we have in common.

If this goes nowhere I feel like it's a waste of extreme luck, making me feel bad... Something I've always wanted... And when I have it in front of me I don't know how to take profit seize the opportunity. (edited, thanks rennecfox and AAO. I didn't mean to sound harsh.)

Does anyone have any hint that may help me?
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You better be brave and honest! Honest! I wish you get on well with her but if she is not the special one then don't stop searching.
I can tell you how to take profit.

forget all the nappies and little stuff, dont worry about it, stop letting it drag your mind down with what ifs and worrying about things only lasting a few seconds.

concentrate on enjoying her company aside from the little aspects. then when it comes time to engage, you will reap your "profits". dont worry so much about what you need to do, worry more about what she would like, be yourself, discuss the things that are important to you

I.E. watching tv, working, playing video games.

I guarantee that if you have this foundation, and are comfortable and relaxed by not worrying about the supposed toos or the what ifs, of real life not matching your fantasies exactly, you will be more satisfied in the end.

hope that helps, cheers
I get the point... I should just relax, know her better and not to overthink on this. If it's what I'm looking for eureka, and if it's not then I still have a chance another time.

Thank you for your answers :D
Good on you for finding someone.

I'd take it as the opportunity to at least develop a friendship based around mutually agreeable topics. If it does develop into a sexual or adult type relationship, then that's an added bonus.
But if it doesn't, like your joint desires don't quite match up fully, then at least you might have a friend who you can talk about such taboo topics with.

I imagine it would be great to occasionally meet up for coffee and stuff, and have somebody else to discuss diapers and wetting related stuff with.

I have one online friend like this. I'm in my forties, and live in Australia, while she's in her twenties, and lives in the USA.
Obviously, not only is distance a factor, but our ages as well. Even if we lived close to each other, there would be no chance of it ever turning into a physical relationship.

But we share almost exactly the same twists in relation to our fetishs. We both like being little, although not babies. We both age play in the 9-12 age bracket. We're both DL's, and like wearing and wetting. We both like writing diaper and omo fiction, and enjoy online role playing with each other. We also play quid pro quo with each other, constantly asking questions like "What would you do if....." and things like that.

We are strongly attached via our similar desires, but platonically only. There is no chance of us ever meeting, and we don't Skype or exchange pictures or anything, and we never would.
But it's so nice to know that there's at least one other person out there who "gets it."

This is what I mean about your situation. You might never hook up physically, but at least you might find someone to talk to, who doesn't judge you harshly because you like wearing diapers. This, to me, would be profit enough from a friendship point of view. Anything else would be an added bonus.

Good luck, and I hope it works out well for you.
Vaan said:
Does anyone have any hint that may help me?

To be frank I think you expect to much from luck (also it doesn't make you appealing to others when you use words like profit, kind of makes you look like a jerk). If shes interested in meeting up you should go and see if you have any interests that can be satisfied and not look at it as a waste of time if it doesn't work out. Be up front about what you want and see if she can work with that. If neither one of you can find a common enough interest look at it as an new experience, and perhaps a new contact who might lead you to what you desire.
rennecfox said:
To be frank I think you expect to much from luck (also it doesn't make you appealing to others when you use words like profit, kind of makes you look like a jerk).

Sorry about that word... English it's not my native language, and I do not know any other word that may replace it... Obviously it's not meamt to mean in a negative sense, like I'm a parasite or something, but fill in a word that means that when you have an opportunity you must find a way to materialize that oportunity.

And I'm not thinking it would be a waste of time if it doesn't work out... I was saying waste of luck, but now I undsrstand that it won't even be that, thinking that any small relationship I get with her (even just chatting on-line) will make that luck not a waste.
I apologize I didn't realize you were not a native english speaker given compared to many on this website (even some native speakers) your english if rather good.
Just met someone, but I dont know how to profit

I think the word or phrase that you are looking for is that you don't know how to "seize the opportunity" that has presented itself to you.

I too thought profit sounded a bit harsh in this situation, but I looked and saw you were from Barcelona and realized there was probably something lost in translation.

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I'm a little late coming into this, but I'd have to agree with what the others are saying.

Depending on how you found her anyway, it's a good idea to treat this as a normal encounter, and only open up after you've established some common ground.

At the end of the day, the best thing to do is experiment. If something doesn't work right the first time, hopefully you will the next time, or the time after that.

But for this, I do recommend taking things slow.
i was very honest with my boyfriend before we started dating. it was kinda obvious i was a baby girl by the way i talked and sucked on a pacifier. not sure if he say diaper bulge on my skirt. he said he was attracted to me because i was obviously a baby girl. he said he was looking for a baby girl and would care for me well including a new crib and play toes. we have been together for six months and are in love.
It is great news that you have the potential be with someone who understands your needs. When we are able to express ourselves it can really create true happiness. What is important to remember here is that you are meeting with a person who you may have a connection with. You are not meeting a fetish vending machine but person with thoughts, feelings and desires of her own.

If all you are thinking about is how your time may be wasted if you dont find a way for both your fetishes to connect then you have already missed your opportunity I am sad to say. If you are mostly a DL then just explain this and say you are not much of an AB. If all you want is your fantasies fulfilled then consider an escort who is ABDL aware.

The way to look at this situation is to understand you have the potential to connect, in real life, with a kindred spirit. Stop thinking about sex and fetishes and enjoy being able to talk to and engage with another who will accept you. If it goes further and you both find compromises on your desires then that will be a huge bonus.

Dont try to run before you can walk.
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