Who have you told?

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My parents know my wife and some friends no big deal its never worried me.
sloth said:
My parents know my wife and some friends no big deal its never worried me.

I am way past worrying who knows I am incontinent
Various medical professionals know; both on the urology side and those who dealt with my transition, and once when I needed an overnight hospital stay for another reason.

My partner knows, and so does my adult daughter because she was still living with me when it all started. My parents know because I was on the phone moaning about it all to my mum at the time, and I have diapers with me when I go to stay with them.

My boss knows that I have a bladder issue because I have requested time off for urology appointments; whether she has figured out that I am wearing or not, I'm not sure.

I have a friend that I stayed with on vacation for a week; he and his wife know because there was a bag of diapers in my bedroom and used ones in their trash. I have another friend that I told one evening when I was drunk. He has since passed away.

Various maids in various hotels will surely have noticed used diapers in the trash but I don't count them because they don't know me.

And that's it. My medical situation is none of anyone's business, unless they are involved with my medical care or I am living/staying with them.
My Doctor (GP) and my urologist know I wear, two of my ex partners and my closest friends - you can't really hide a diaper on a camping trip or something like that! They've all seen me in my padded glory.
My work know but only in as much as I have to declare it on the medical form so it's not common knowledge and I never make an issue if t like demanding a private bathroom or anything like that.
I can tell anyone, I don't mind, they don't mind.

Honestly no one cares.

My parents they care, but it is because they think everything I do somehow will effect them.

One point, my mom asked me if an EX GF of mine new about my diapers , i told her no.

She asked cause my step-dad was working for her dad.

Honestly she knew, her friends knew, she didn't care, but they did, they thought i was a weirdo, and litterly dumped me on her behalf.

No lost for me, no lost for her, and honestly even if her dad knew I highly doubt that it would change any way in which he seen my step dad.

That being said, I told my mom no, because that train of thought is something that she is not capable of.

Their are many close minded people on this Earth, and if they can not handle or understand something right away, they simple categorize it as foreign, weird, and unwanted.
All we can do is have sympathy for these people, and simply not bring it up again, unless necessary.

That being said, I don't boast about it, I dont gloat about it, but honestly I don't mind bringing it up, I don't mind discussing it, and those closest to me don't mind either.

honestly talking about things we don't understand, can really make a bond stronger.
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