How many of you find yourself peeing from the sound of water

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Incontinent
It never fails me to wet the instance I here the sink shower creek sprinkler fountain with out notice. Just curious if anyone has this problem I'm incontinent. Thanks goodness for diapers
I'll do that when I brush my teeth right before bed. Part of the reason is that I've been drinking cranberry juice all evening and I'm wearing a diaper, so nature takes its course. It does make me feel "little" which I like.
All the time, like you in the bathroom with running water, but often when fueling the car
Yes quite often. Washing the dishes, cleaning my teeth and yes putting petrol in my car can cause me to wet uncontrollably.
Didn't somebody else JUST post about this? I could have sworn I already pointed out this is a natural effect that most every normal person has. It is called synesthesia.
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