level of protection is so important

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Incontinent
I was recently on a return flight from Florida to Chicago. I've experience severe bowel urgency for a few decades and after suffering constant accidents with disgustingly runny stool in the beginning, was told by my pcp to use a bulk producing fiber supplement. This did well for the loose BM's but I was having more frequent voids with a much larger volume. Still, it was an improvement over what I had been experiencing. Since I detest the often nightmarish public change, I increased my protection level when I'm going to be in public for hours. For the flight I used Desitin for avoiding rash and as always had taken my Metamucil and Nullo. I also had taken some Loperamide to slow down my bowels. I was surprised at how well this worked as I hadn't messed since the day before. I take a double dose of Metamucil daily as that is what I've determined works best at keeping my BM's semi-firm but not hard. I typically have 3 to 5 large BM's a day but really hadn't had one in about 24 hours thanks to the loperamide. (suggested on another incon board) My protection was my typical "out in public" combination. I use a Confi-dry 24/7 disposable as a "diaper liner" under a cloth pull-up diaper (kins model 10700 ) with heavy gage plastic pants. The "liner" keeps stool off my cloth diaper (makes eventual clean-ups easier and mostly keeps stool off my cloth diaper). I know this sound bulky and it is. But with years of experience I can dress in a way that allows near perfect stealth. At home I usually just wear the disposable with a lighter gage plastic pant but in public, with my aversion to public changing, I always opt for combo diaper. About half way through the flight (usually about 3 1/2 hours) I felt not only uncomfortably bloated but the beginning of that all to familiar urgency. As usual it intensified quickly and I knew what was about to happen. An involuntary contraction followed by a mighty surge and my diapers slowly filled. And filled. And filled. The loperamide had backed me up to the point I had an enormous pile in the seat of my diapers, even by my standard. I was pleasantly surprised that the BM, while huge in volume, was soft/firm, odorless and best of all contained. I've experimented for the last few decade with varying levels of success and have proved to myself once again to always be well protected. The rest of the flight was uneventful except for the softish pile I was sitting on but I still am amazed how well my protection worked. What kinds of protection to others with my symptoms use? Just curious. I'm always looking for improvements though I think I already know what works best for me.
I only have the occasional bowel leakage due to lessened feeling and control back there. However I use confidry as my primary night and day diaper for my urinary incontinence.

I used to use store bought diapers decades ago (before they truly sucked). Over the years I had upped my level of protection due to worsening symptoms, and having too many leaks.

When I figured out the cheaper diapers were actually costing me more on a per day basis I just went to using the best I can all of the time. Along with this I realized I wasn't taking my diaper close to leaking as often as with low capacity diapers too. This meant fewer chances for leaks, and needing to change less often too.

Overall it just makes a lot of sense to only ever use premium diapers- unless you don't truly need or fully use them anyways.
Oh how I can relate lol
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