Your close calls

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LeoNero said:
When the cops were raiding the house to find my brother, the cops did check my closet and i was freaking out to fear that they would find something, even though i hid them as good as possible.

i can relate, had an accidental discharge and the cops wanted to see all of my guns and well i kept my diapers in the same closet as my guns, luckily i was living out of state and i never heard from them again.
One time, I was having diapee time. Alone in my room. And when I have diapee time, I make sure to lock my door. But this time, I locked my door. But, my mom ended up using a key to get into my room. So I had to get off the floor, hide my bottle, hide my pacifier, and get into my bed to cover my diapee. It was really scary.
The only time I was ever caught wearing (Half Wearing) a diaper was when I was around 4 or 5 years old, I had taken one from my brothers nursery and I put it on in the bathroom since i had the chance while my family was eating, my father came to check on me why I was taking so long because I had the flu previously and opened the bathroom door I was sat on the toilet with the diaper pulled down to my knees since I had trouble wetting it. I got yelled at about wasting it or something along those lines almost 20 years ago so I don't remember exactly, but that was the time I was actually caught.

The other time I took a diaper from a neighbor I was putting it on and I was 7 at the time, it just so happened to be a girls diaper don't remember the brand but being the 90's could've been the good plastic backed baby diapers people reminisce about, but anyways I was in the middle of putting it on and just taped it up when my mother walked into my room. I barely got the covers over me before she saw anything thank god, she wondered what I was hiding I told her I was changing my clothes in bed, she asked me why and I said for privacy. She left it at that, but since then I've always wondered what would she have said would she have supported it at all or would it all go to hell.
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