Mandela Effect

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Babyfur
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If you haven't already heard of it look it up. But full warning when you start ya can't stop. So what do you remember that is key, like for instants Do you remember? The Bernstein Bears or The Bernstain Bears? Or how about Star Wars which line is correct "Luke, I am your Father " or "No, I am your Father " or what about Forest Gump? Which line do you remember? "My mother always said life's like a box of chocolates ya never know what you'll get" or was it "My mother always said life was like a box of chocolates". One more this time Field of Dreams was it "If you build it they will come" or If you build it he will come" . So what do you remember? Is there anything out of place? Now think real hard! And question everything. So tell me what you remember and any other odd changes?

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Sounds like the Ministry of Truth have been hard at work.

I love the meme that spread round the UK from around 1990, for years, that Bob Holness played the saxophone on Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street"! :laugh: It was repeated so often in pub quizes and random triva!

I suppose what you're touching on, if it's just a personal mishearing, rather than "false propaganda", would be known as a "mondegreen", a term coined by Sylvia Wright when she misheard the lyrics, "They hae slain the Earl o' Moray, and laid him on the green," as, "...and Lady Mondegreen."
Ah, plop culture ;)
here is two more to mess with your mind:


Is it FREBEZE with one E or FREBREEZE with two E's

I remember FRUIT being spelled the correct way and I remember two E's (that's how BREEZE is spelled)

all of this Mandela stuff will probably &*%$ with our minds for years to come no joke!
"Play it again Sam..."

You have to admire the opportunism of the self styled "paranormal consultants" who have managed to turn failings in human memory into an entire industry. The beauty of the effect is it's impossible to disprove, which is hugely helpful when you're generating web traffic revenue from it *cough*
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