Why do I feel vulnerable?

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
  3. Incontinent
When I get into little space, I find that I start feeling vulnerable and scared sometimes or I just feel lost so to speak. I can have a nice time in little space but it's a new feeling.

Has anybody got this feeling before?

I am not sure what I am scared about, am I scared because I feel more vulnerable? Am I scared to be little?

This is the wonderful thing about regression. Feelings come up to the surface and we don't know why.

Stay with them your I child will bring the resion why she is feeling this way which could be a memory of something that happened, the great thing is you can relive it and reright it. Because now there is a big you as will.

That thing that someone did I or said can be turned around. And then you can look at different scenarios and how they would play out.

Also you can see or try to see why the other persons acted in the way they did.

Just relax let your self go. As the feeling comes ask why it is there. Then tell it to go if you do not need it any more or to stay if it is a nice feeling.

Hope some of this make send. It works better with a therapist that can take you through regression and equip you to deal with it.

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