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  1. Adult Baby
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so i need help the only place I feel safe using my paci is on/in my bed
can someone help

Hellw Icklespace

i think we are all going to need a bit more information to be able to offer help to you.

you know your situation the best and if sucking in bed is the safe place for you, then I would keep it to that.

I see you are a teenbaby, so you will find that as your life develops you will have time when you will be able to have little time other that when you are in your room.

I would suggest that you just relax and enjoy being your self as and when it feel OK to do so.

hope this helps you

I don't see the problem here really. Where do you want to use it? I probably wouldn't suggest using it in public, as that is definitely not socially acceptable. But by all means, try using it in different places around your house or even somewhere private in public.
even whe im walking in my room I feel like im taking a risk or something
Many of us only use it in bed.
i use mine in bed and also when there is nobody in the house i will use it..just use when you get the chance other than bed if nobody is around hun x
I clip mine onto my shirt just in case I forget to put it away before my kids get up in the morning. That helps me relax a bit with using it around the house.
I use it whenever I fancy: using pc, watching movie, sleeping etc, as for outside I never really do it but few times I did in past I was wear a hoody and I would be in isolated location lol
disneygeek said:
I don't see the problem here really. Where do you want to use it? I probably wouldn't suggest using it in public, as that is definitely not socially acceptable. But by all means, try using it in different places around your house or even somewhere private in public.

disneygeek I think it depends. If you had it on a chain it may then be considered fashionable if you do not suck it. But I have to agree finding somewhere pricate in public is a good idea. Try to avoid ally ways if your on your own. They maybe for the first few moments be private but anyone could walk down and since they is no witnesses in alleys who knows?
You would need somewhere safe and private maybe a toilet without those silly little gaps at kids and kids(adults) can look though or get on top of the toilet and look down. Oh somewhere at is public but people do not care what you do.

Also sugger dummies or you may know them in America as Candy Pacifiers are good because you can walk around sucking on one and people will just think you are sucking a sweet.
It still looks odd but you can always take it out of your mouth and show the person it is candy. You can suck them in public. You can get little once too.
I think those are the only 2 exceptions on chain neckless but not been sucked, been candy and been sucked.

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I do not really have any yet...

But I do have the bases from my candy paci's.
They have a stark with a ball in the middle very strong and when you suck it the plastic ball on top stops it from slipping out from your teeth. I have a green base at's medium. A blue base at I am hoping that a furry can make into a custom paci from a bottle tit and superglue hay it was my idea.
I have a small red paci base and even though it is not a real pacifier it is relaxing to suck on.

If you do decide to suck in public use a candy pacifier bran new bought from a shop.
Anywhere else, bedroom a safe and privet place like a LGBT bar for example?
public toilets try to avoid the once where you can see someone legs if you crouch down and see the person if you get on the toilet. You want one where you can not see the persons feet or better yet one where it has a sink in the bathroom with a lockable door.
That or find a haunted location where people are too scared to go?:laugh:

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Lupan said:
I use it whenever I fancy: using pc, watching movie, sleeping etc, as for outside I never really do it but few times I did in past I was wear a hoody and I would be in isolated location lol

A hoody in a diaper gang ;)
When I started using my paci I kind of overdosed, hahha, and hid it under a scarf and in a clip under my sweater and in my pockets. Omg I had pacis everywhere in my apartment. But then I live by myself so I can do that. Now my addiction has weakened some but I still need my paci at night to be able to relax.
I need my paci to go to sleep at night and I am a chronic sucker as well as a thumb sucker, I usually go for my thumb first.
I mostly use mine in bed also. But I will use it while doing other stuff but only in my room though. A few times I have forgotten I had it in and I walked outside of my room with it still in my mouth but fortunately I have not been caught.

I use mine when there is a low chance of getting caught in general.
I live alone and rarely use mine outside of the bedroom....I don't know if that is an answer to your question...
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