Worse vision and wearing diapers

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Diaperfur
  3. Incontinent
Hi guys it's been a while since I been in here. In the past year I've had two eye surgeries on the only working ey I have left and now have far worse vision then before. I can see a little but only like 5 feet ahead of me and I'm severely glare sensitive and I now need a white cane. Needless to say this makes my traveling a lot sllower now. I've also had 3 months of vision rehab which got me adjust to my new lack of vision.. I got the confidence to walk around and take the bus again and go places. I wore diapers the whole time I was there and I continue to where them 24/7 now that I'm back home. My ic issues are mostly at night but I'm finding that since I walk a lot slower now cuz of the cane and not recognizing where bathrooms are very easily, that diapers are a necessity now . Yes there are places where I know where the bathrooms are but most of the time I'm out and about aren't either walking or on the bus. Sotheby's bathrooms are kinda few an far between. My mom thinks I'm just just lazy but I feel that I do need them during the day. It's already tough being pretty much blind, I figure why not make my life a bit easier. And not need to worry about finding a bathroom as often or as in much of a hurry. Btw, where I did my vision rehab I definitely did need diapers, especially when I went out for mobility class , cuz the city where I was, there weren't many free public bathrooms and I'd be out for 2 hrs at a time. What u guy options? Do u think I'm being lazy or am I just making my life easier. Thanks
Well obviously I'm a bit biased but I definitely think it is reasonable to wear if it makes your life easier.

Also even if it is lazy it isn't necessarily wrong.

On the other hand there is an argument about not being dependent on them completely - so you have a choice.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with making an aspect of your life a little easier! After all, isn't that why you went through rehab was to make your life easier?
A vision problem as in blindness causes a mobility issue and raises the possibility of not having enough time or practical mobility to get to the bathroom is honestly called "Functional Incontinence" a secondary cause of IC in many ldiagnosed with IC who are blind or in a wheelchair due to MS, MD , Spinal cord injury etc... I would honestly tell your Mother not to be an additional problem in your life , if you need them or want Them you are completely justified in wearing and her condemnation of your decision will only result in a added burden on you, and a certain higher level of stress as well as self doubt, if you didn't need them the staff at the rehab would have told you loud and clear, because leaving rehab with a self imposed disability is addressed sharply by the medical profession as in " they will not let you leave" so that you can go on to further complicate an all ready challenging life issue with a mental burden that is self imposed , so trust me you are justified in your use even if it was "just diaper love or lust" because you would not have been sent home without the diaper use having been addressed to you and your formal and informal support systems.

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Yup rehab helped me a lot and diapers are my way of dealing with a confidence/anxiety issue with finding and using bathrooms that I already had to begin with , that's now made worse with my worse vision. Diapers help me so that I only need to deal with navigating my way around. When your out in town for 5 or 6 hrs and u pee at least once an hour and 3 of those hrs are spent on a bus or waiting for a bus, diapers be come quite convenient and.needed.

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah functional ic makes sense to me and I'm fine with that. I'm gonna discuss this topic with my urologist and see what her opinion is. I'm gonna where diapers no matter what but it'd be ice to get a legit ok from y doctor about it.
I think that with as much as you have been through, no one should complain about when and where you choose to wear diapers. What ever makes your life better is what you should do and accommodate.
I've been completely blind for around 14 years now. I can't say I've ever felt I'd be better off wearing, but I can see your logic... (No pun intended)
Whatever makes it easier for you to get around doing Things though. Getting around new Places as a blind person can be pretty ... exhausting isn't the right Word, but you do spend a lot of energy getting around, keeping track of Things and such stuff.
I hope all goes well for you though ^^ *Hugs*
nikthewerelion said:
Hi guys it's been a while since I been in here. In the past year I've had two eye surgeries on the only working ey I have left and now have far worse vision then before. I can see a little but only like 5 feet ahead of me and I'm severely glare sensitive and I now need a white cane. Needless to say this makes my traveling a lot sllower now. I've also had 3 months of vision rehab which got me adjust to my new lack of vision.. I got the confidence to walk around and take the bus again and go places. I wore diapers the whole time I was there and I continue to where them 24/7 now that I'm back home. My ic issues are mostly at night but I'm finding that since I walk a lot slower now cuz of the cane and not recognizing where bathrooms are very easily, that diapers are a necessity now . Yes there are places where I know where the bathrooms are but most of the time I'm out and about aren't either walking or on the bus. Sotheby's bathrooms are kinda few an far between. My mom thinks I'm just just lazy but I feel that I do need them during the day. It's already tough being pretty much blind, I figure why not make my life a bit easier. And not need to worry about finding a bathroom as often or as in much of a hurry. Btw, where I did my vision rehab I definitely did need diapers, especially when I went out for mobility class , cuz the city where I was, there weren't many free public bathrooms and I'd be out for 2 hrs at a time. What u guy options? Do u think I'm being lazy or am I just making my life easier. Thanks

Nik there is nothing wrong with that. I'm glad your vision is kind of stabilized. I know for myself that I'm blind in one eye and being treated for glaucoma
in my good eye. I wear my diapers 24/7. I wish you the best that your vision stays where it is.
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