Changing at work

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
I was wondering how you change at work. I am going to work in an open space, and I will need to walk in it to get to the bathroom.
I can't walk with my fresh diaper in my hands of course! Taking my bag (with the diaper in it) with me would be strange too, although more discreet on the reason why I go to the bathroom (but still, people would wonder).

I was wondering how girls do it when they have their period. It is probably much more discreet, so they probably just slip in their pad in the pocket before going.

Most of time my diaper cope with my settings the whole day on, but it can be useful to get changed at some time if I have had more accidents than usual.

What are your experiences concerning this?
with incontinence we have no choice but to just grab our diaper bag (back pack) and head to the wash room to change. at first its hard but you have to accept changing any where any time is part of dealing with incontinence.

having a diaper leak due to not wanting to change is more embaressing then having to walkminto a bathroom with packpack in hand.

incontinence after a while you stop caring if any one notices you are wearing its part of your life now and probably will be for the rest of it. so try to accept you need to change through out the day.
Rob110 said:
with incontinence we have no choice but to just grab our diaper bag (back pack) and head to the wash room to change. at first its hard but you have to accept changing any where any time is part of dealing with incontinence.

having a diaper leak due to not wanting to change is more embaressing then having to walkminto a bathroom with packpack in hand.

incontinence after a while you stop caring if any one notices you are wearing its part of your life now and probably will be for the rest of it. so try to accept you need to change through out the day.
So true. I no longer worry nor care who knows I wear nappies. If I need to change then I just go and see to it.
I have a laptop bag that I keep with me that is filled with my diapers in the main pocket as well as other various supplies (related and otherwise) in the other pockets. If anyone ever asks I just tell them it's a medical bag and that answers their question as far as they need to know, plus I've never had anyone try and take it any further than that.
I remember reading on an incontinence support forum when I first became incontinent, many years ago, about a handy trick. You get a pack of baby diapers, and use one as a stuffer inside your adult diaper. They are very thin, and discreet, yet hold a good amount of liquid. When you feel it has absorbed a decent amount, you simply head to the bathroom, go into the stall, reach in, and pull it right out of the top of your diaper. This leaves you with a "fresh" diaper on, and you only have a small package to deposit in the trash can. I have used this trick in the past, and it works very well. Now that I have been incontinent for almost 14 years though, I really don't care any more, and I just grab my backpack, and head to the bathroom. I have never had anyone say anything about it to me. Hope this helps.

You could always use some tape to hide a diaper in the lid of the tank or under a sink first thing in the morning if you are petrified of the diaper being seen, but as a long term IC when I need to change damn the torpedoes full speed ahead I don't care who knows.

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I too work in an open office area, and when I'd need to change I'd just grab my work bag and head to the bathroom. One time though one of my best work buddies saw me walking down the hallway with my bag, and assuming I was heading out of the office innocently asked where I was going. I was like "oh crap what do I say", but I was able to muster a confident-sounding "Ehh just over there" and pointed towards the direction of the bathroom (and coincidentally another couple hundred cubicles) - they just were like "Oh, cool" and moved on. Whew.

I always packed spare diapers in a grocery store plastic bag primarily for disposal purposes, but to add a bit of camouflage if anyone happens to be peeking into my bag when I open it. I found that just carrying the plastic bag to the bathroom raises far less suspicion as you could be heading to the pantry/water cooler, the garbage to throw out breakfast/lunch refuse, wash dishes you'd used, bring something you brought in to a co-worker, the possibilities go on and on and on. I primarily use Dry 24/7s, so there's no markings to show through, so you can't tell anything is in the bag, let alone a diaper. I'm pretty sure you'd be safe with any other medical brand as well, but some of the AB prints might show through and arouse suspicion ;)

Just like you, most days my diaper can hold what I give it all day, but sometimes I do need to change and not always can I work it out so I'm out office (for coffee, lunch, etc), this is my new go-to method. You could even do it days in a row and no one would bat an eye!
Thank you all for the nice tips and feedback, that is interesting.

It will force me to be less lazy and go regularly to the loo as I have bladder control (weak, but still, I do have it), so that I can be sure I don't need to change protection during the day.
If I do need to do so (I always have a spare one with me) I will do it at lunch time or later before leaving job (when most people already left) and have the fresh one in a bag.

And as a pull-up style fan (yes I know this is strange for most of you but I have my reasons) I may use some with extra capacity for days that have more risk (long meetings, etc.).

Thank you all again for the tips!
Mickael75 said:
...And as a pull-up style fan (yes I know this is strange for most of you but I have my reasons) I may use some with extra capacity for days that have more risk (long meetings, etc.)...

Oh, then this is pretty easy to solve actually. Wear multiple pull-ups (depending on thickness, style of pants you're wearing, comfort etc). That way you always have your change with you. If you need to change an undergarment, simply tear off the one that is used and you are already wearing its replacement without having to remove your pants or shoes.

This is a technique that I employ fairly often actually. I usually have on a good capacity, durable, daytime thickness type disposable as my base layer and a pull-up that I trust over that. If my diaper reaches capacity before I get home (and changing to another is not an option), then I know that my reserve pull-up will give me protection and time to get either home, or to a better location to change.

Sometimes if I know I will be out all day and deprived of either time to change, facilities to change, or unable to carry my bag with spares I will use and Abri-San pad (very good absorbency), a daytime style diaper, and then a pull-up. The pad can simply be removed without removing the diaper, then the diaper can easily be removed leaving the last reserve layer of protection, the pull-up.

This may sound like quite a bit of padding to wear, if you select your products accordingly they still are not as bulky as something like an M-4 with a stuffer. This system will give you an extended amount of time, quick and easy changes at less than discreet times or locations, and still provides protection.
I do change at work. Luckily, we have a single person restroom that I can go to. I would go change on my lunch break by taking my briefcase with me. My briefcase does have a laptop in it so it was actually functional for me to need a briefcase.

I just go in there, lock the door, and do my business. Throw away the diaper in the trash can, wash hands, and throw paper towels on top of the diaper so nobody would notice it. If I had a BM, I try to bring a grocery bag and tie it up and place in the trash can so it won't smell. Respecting my co-worker that may have to use the restroom.

I also wear two stuffers. One in the front and one in the back. When the front gets soaked, I'd switch them with the one in the back so I can go longer without changing my diaper. I can't just throw away the first wet stuffer cuz it'll smell.
Mickael75 said:

I was wondering how girls do it when they have their period. It is probably much more discreet, so they probably just slip in their pad in the pocket before going.

What are your experiences concerning this?

Well thats a different type of pad much easier to fold and toss also most womens rooms have a panty liner can in the stalls.

For a diaper your best bet is to time when no one is in the bathroom, have a bag for it and just put it in the trash can after changing.
Not working now but was at a law firm for a while. There was a private bathroom. I tried to reduce fluid. My boss never found out. The office manager found my diapers while looking for something else and never said anything. I would urinate at the drop of the hat even while sitting in boss' office. Use two pairs of GARY ACTIVE BRIEFS. i NEVER DEFICATED IN THE DIAPER AT WORK, BUT ONCE DID WHLE LEAVING THE BUILDING AND HAD TO WALK HOME IN SOILD PANTS.
I pretty much just do what I would do anywhere else. Some degree of the possibility of exposure is something you have to accept as an IC person.
People proberly think I spend way longer than the average person in the bathroom changing but I will let them think what they like! Why should they care! And why should I!?
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