to all My friends in the USA

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
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To al my friends in the USA happy Independence Day.
Now where did I leave my nice cup of tea.....:laugh:

Hee, hee.

I've got a cookout planned today. What's everyone else doing?
A powerful country made a strong history with its courage and determination. wishing you great joy on this sparkling day!

"Happy Fourth of July"
I would check the harbor for your tea
I am staying inside with my head phones on. I don't like the fireworks.... But im not one of those to ruin peoples fun.
Thanks and Cheers! Having a barbecue and an adult beverage or two.
I am sorry I forgot the record the fireworks show last night. I could've sent it to you guys. Oh well, maybe I'll remember next year?
Currently watching cartoons, drinking ecto-cooler and we are going to be making hamburgers and hot dogs in about an hour. But Sisi I am a serious lover of all things British with the exception of tea, you should have seen me trying to find a good cup of coffee in London. LOL. I felt better after I read that Princess Diana drank more coffee than tea and that she didn't really like tea all that much. :O
LittleAndrea said:
Currently watching cartoons, drinking ecto-cooler and we are going to be making hamburgers and hot dogs in about an hour. But Sisi I am a serious lover of all things British with the exception of tea, you should have seen me trying to find a good cup of coffee in London. LOL. I felt better after I read that Princess Diana drank more coffee than tea and that she didn't really like tea all that much. :O

Nice, But does that mean you don't like tea?
I actually really hate it, I have tried to drink it so many times and it makes me physically gag. :frown:
First 4th of July in the city! The crazy traffic jams were probably something I could have lived without experiencing, but ohmaigawsh.. the feeling of just everyone around you carrying explosives is probably a pure expression of freedom or something.

In all seriousness, it was fun.
Me and my friends watching the fireworks and that's very interesting!
The area I live in, all those fireworks sound like gunshots. Terrifies me, this area is bad, and its only gettin worse.
MickeyM said:
The area I live in, all those fireworks sound like gunshots. Terrifies me, this area is bad, and its only gettin worse.

Aww!,big hugs, I hate fireworks, they are scary and loud! (No joke, I actually really hate fireworks so much I am scared to leave my house and have to have my music on really loud to drown it out until they have finished)
Thank you for the post! You'd have to dig deep in the harbor for your tea, hehe. I'm glad to see relations between our countries have gotten back to a respectful brotherhood.
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