Ebay: Adult versions of baby diapers

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Slightly puzzled how this works / how they are made. Have they separated the layers of the baby diaper and glued them onto an adult diaper (or even inserted them under the top layer somehow)?? Or has it been done on as a special order on a diaper making machine in a factory eg China / Alibaba stuff?

Anyway "These are one of the most expensive diapers in the world" LOL!
They look cool! Wish I could buy them in shops, but they wouldn't of course:(
Pretty sure we had a supporter of the maker not that long ago post about these, I am very very tempted to get some but the price is pretty high... Like I said on the other post not a criticism, I am sure this dude puts the effort into making them and I understand it takes both an adult diaper and baby diaper but US$5 a diaper + postage.... They would want to be perfect and give you 12 hours+.


On the plus side of course they do look excellent in the pictures!
Yea they are expensive! I'm not sure as to how they came to be, but thats why I wanted to know if anyone knew anything about them.
There's no real mystery about these. They are adult diapers to which the peeled-off covers of real baby diapers have been applied or otherwise secured. They're expensive because they're hand-made, each one consumes a baby diaper, he's probably paying retail prices for everything, and he's also trying to make money! Ta-daa! On the Cinderella ones, you can tell he got a bit sloppy, because the tattered edges of the elastic sides are plainly visible, and are different from one diaper to the next. Why he wouldn't have simply snipped those off with scissors I can't imagine, but whatever. (And on those ones, it looks like the Cinderella cover is stuffed under the adult diaper's cover.)

Anyway... Want some adult-sized Luvs? Buy some Luvs baby diapers, some cloth-backed adult diapers, and a glue stick. Same thing, I'm afraid!
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Hu...I would've never had thought of it like that.
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