Resisting little time

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  1. Diaper Lover
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Just curious if anyone else does this, but a lot of times when I want to be little/wear diapers I find myself resisting for no logical reason. For a while it was because my stash was getting low, but I've recently restocked so I'm good for at least a few months. I just always find "excuses" to not let myself indulge, like it being too hot to get diapered or being too tired to dig things out, but sometimes it feels like there's something more behind it that I'm not quite sure what it is. I've never really experienced the typical strong binge/purge cycle, if anything I'm a lot more careful with my things because being without makes me a bit anxious.

That was a bit rambly but to restate the main point, has anyone else ever found themselves resisting little time even when there's no real reason why you couldn't have some little time?
I've had excuses for both indulging and not. Particularly with playing drums; I can't be padded if I plan to play drums, and I can't spontaneously decide to play drums if I'm padded. The two together just don't mix. Lately, I've been leaning more toward having excuses for not indulging. Must be the season.
Why!?!, Summer is the Time for me to be little, well year Round really. I wear diapers 24/7 due to partially Choice and partially because i have to. Now is the time to embrace it. I like yourself Used to think like you did Regarding Little Stuff and diapers, why shouldn't you indulge, it's you, it's fun and comforting. I Used to put Off being a little but then i relized i Could recover from Depression beimg a little. I also find the more you be a little, it doesn't get old, it gets more fun and comforting as you find more things about your Little personality, i am still finding Mine but my Little personality is Talking over my adult one who constantly Makes up excuses and focuses on painful memories. Whose personality would you rather have? I want you to ask yourself, i Personally Would Choose the 2 year old over a depressed Young adult, Doing adult Things just does not feel right. I still do them. You also tend to find more Negolistic memories and i even started remembering my toddler years in more Detail and i Truly believe i am a toddler inside.
I guess it's still a lot of unresolved fear, like of being caught and told I'm wrong (still live with my parents). I'm the same in that I don't really feel grown-up (more 3-6 ish usually) and I've tried incorporating that a bit more but I worry about things like being unable to get things done as an adult if I let my little "take over" so-to-speak. I guess really most of it is just me overthinking though, there are a lot of little (heh) excuses I could make.
I guess it's more of a "forbidden fruit" effect. Like it's so ingrained in me that I "have to be an adult" that it's sometimes hard to let myself be little, even when I tell myself it's okay and not wrong/weird. It's like a weird mish-mash where I accept that that side of me exists, but have a hard time accepting what that necessarily means.
BunnyAiden said:
I guess it's more of a "forbidden fruit" effect. Like it's so ingrained in me that I "have to be an adult" that it's sometimes hard to let myself be little, even when I tell myself it's okay and not wrong/weird. It's like a weird mish-mash where I accept that that side of me exists, but have a hard time accepting what that necessarily means.

I don't have the forbidden fruit feeling, but I can be weirdly lazy about it sometimes. Like, if I get home and want to play on my computer, I'll sometimes feel like it's too inconvenient to go get my shoes, pants, and underpants off, get the diaper on properly, then get everything back on top so I won't be cold. Even though the whole process is maybe 5-7 minutes at most.
Don't be lazy People, Enjoy yourself, Break up that adult "i can't be bothered" routine, it will only make you depressed!
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