Adult Baby still not feeling well...

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Sissy
  5. Little
  6. Incontinent
Yes, I am still trying to get over a Late Spring case of the Flu.
I have been fighting this infection since the previous Wednesday a week ago.
Yes, I am doing childish things, like playing with my NERF toy guns, and playing with some of my toy cars and trucks.
It is helpful to quietly play with my toys while sick, to not sink into feeling emotionally depressed because I am sick with the Flu.
Yes, I am slowly feeling better.
But, as a 58 year-old, my recuperation power is less than when I was a younger adult.
Anyway, I have been jumping between Adult and Baby Modes.
Sorry to hear you've been sick. HOpe your feeling better soon.
Both my wife and I had the stomach flu two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I gave her the flu after I got it. We both were very sick for two days, and then it went away, fortunately.

I hope you get to feeling better. It's no fun, that's for sure.
At least my head does not feel like a giant beach ball this evening.
But I am still having coughing fits.
I am staying away from my little brother to keep him from getting the Flu from me.
Anyway, I relaxing here in the Den, and watching DVD's while hugging one of my plushies to comfort me.
Plushies are nice to hug when you are feeling bad. Hope you continue to improve.
Be brave ;)
Feeling a bit better today.
Still coughing every once in a while.
My tummy is just about back to normal.
I had to blow off a meeting down in Boston today.
Just more planning for a public forum panel discussion about living with Cerebral Palsy, from the CP adult point of view.
I am one of the panelists.
Anyway, I did not want to pass on the Flu to my disabled friends in the Boston, MA Metro Area.
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