How secret is your AB/DL side?

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I haven't posted in some time, been busy, had other things on my mind, usually I'm on here often, that being said, I dropped by to ask this interesting question.

How secret is your AB/DL side, are you open about it, or do you treat it as some kind of military secret, where no body in your life actually knows, (kind of like me)

If you're open about it, what made you choose to be open about it, or if you're secret, why It's a secret. with me I don't see it as a normal thing(socially that is), so I treat it as very confidential and obviously separate my AB/DL life from my real life as much as I can.
I am fairly open about it. The main reason I decided to be open about it is because every time I have tried to hide it, I failed to do so. So, I learned it's better to be upfront about it and then there will be no surprises later down the road. I even tell people I date early on to get it out of the way.

I am open as I see no need to hide in the bushes. I love being a Little and the freedom to be my self. I understand that some people have different lives and feel that they are not able to be as open about who they are, but I think it is much better to live life to the fullest as the person you really are.
I don't think "secret" is the correct word for me anymore. For a long time, it was a dread secret, something that I had to keep to myself at all costs. Now I see it as private, which still means I'm keeping it to myself, aside from ABDL friends. However, the effort and angst I put into keeping it to myself is far less. I take what seem to me to be reasonable measures for privacy but if someone wants to be rude and invade that privacy, they will learn something unusual and perhaps not to their liking.

At this point, it's a slightly higher level of concern than just keeping my underpants out of public view (which I have conscious concern over for some reason). I'll do what is reasonable, but if someone sees something, I'll deal with the consequences.
What AB/DL side???
I don't tell people in real life about this side of me but I also allow some of my baby mannerisms to show. I wear babyish clothes like overalls and watch cartoons and my parents know I have pacifiers and suck my thumb. Basically, I do whatever I can get away with without raising too many eyebrows.
I would say that mine is still a tightly guarded secret, although I'm becoming more amenable to opening up about it. I told my wife about 18 months ago and she's kind of bemused by it, but not a huge fan. Once every few months, I'll wear in front of her, but that's only under my footie PJs which by their nature don't allow waistbands to poke out. This summer I might try to hang out in a diaper and t-shirt or something, just to push that edge. We'll see.

Would I tell anyone else? Recently, I've become more and more comfortable with the idea of telling some very very close friends about it. I have not done so though. One of my friends has said a few things about her husband (also my friend) that seemed like mild suggestions that he might be ABDL. On more than one occasion, she said that after she moved in with him, "she had to get rid of all of his Pampers." I'm not sure if that's her suggesting that he was an incompetent bachelor/manchild or if it was her actually saying she had to get rid of his diapers. I'm not making the first move on finding that out. Maybe if the 4 of us are sitting around over a couple bottles of wine and shit gets personal, it might come out. I have this dream of them affirming my suspicions and high-fiving him. After that, X-Box and diapers, hell yeah.
In real life I've only told two people. One is the young woman that was about to be homeless, that I allowed to move into my office/spare bedroom. Did not want to be hiding in my own home. The other met on a dating website so she knew from my profile that I'm an ABDL. She was my mommy for a couple of months, but it didn't work out. (None ABDL issues.) I never told my ex-wife (married for over 15 years), or my last girl friend that I dated for over 12 years. So I would say it's a well guarded secret. But thanks to everyone on here I'm feeling more comfortable about being able to be open about it. If I could find a new girl friend, I'll tell her about it when it seems appropriate.
This AB/DL Diapers, baby stuff, stuffed animals, doesnt really match the type of person I appear to be. So, I only tell people on here. I've been caught a few times by my parents, but they don't know how deeper it goes. I treat this as something I'll take to the grave. I wouldnt tell any one in person unless they are into the same things.
Trevor said:
I don't think "secret" is the correct word for me anymore. For a long time, it was a dread secret, something that I had to keep to myself at all costs. Now I see it as private, which still means I'm keeping it to myself, aside from ABDL friends. However, the effort and angst I put into keeping it to myself is far less. I take what seem to me to be reasonable measures for privacy but if someone wants to be rude and invade that privacy, they will learn something unusual and perhaps not to their liking.

At this point, it's a slightly higher level of concern than just keeping my underpants out of public view (which I have conscious concern over for some reason). I'll do what is reasonable, but if someone sees something, I'll deal with the consequences.

This reflects my view of it. I make an effort to keep things put away and in closed spaces, but my chest of drawers doesn't lock, so if guests decided to snoop, they could find things. I'm also not at all secretive about my plushies or my love of animation and children's movies.
My wife knows. Other than that I think my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law have seen my diapers, but unless my wife told them, they don't know why I have them.

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Somotimes I feel like an KGB agent. It's definitivly Top Seret, shared only inside of members of ABDL comunity. But a few times I've been busted - mostly very bad experience. Las time I was busted - with diapers on and secret box open - by the cops... Two of my ex know and it wasn't reaaly good deal.
Well my ab side is secret but i have had told a few people but leas than a handfull of people now my diaper side lots of people know cause ex wife ran it thru court saying i was a danger to my kids cause i wanted to be in diapers 247. Now i am perm cause of leakage, well it started like that now i have no control on urinary side. But courts thru it out. Huggles
My DL side is totally hidden from the wife and any and all "regular" friends and family. I have managed to meet up with a few fellow DLs through Craigslist, so they know of course. But the chances of me ever coming out of the "DL Closet" are absolutely Zero. Meanwhile, when the wife leaves for work every morning I get to enjoy my little fetish to its fullest!
While it's not quite as secret as it used to be as I no longer clear my history everytime I visit an ABDL site, put less effort into hiding my ABDL stuff where you could find them if you snooped, and I no longer encrypt all my ABDL files, I still keep it fairly secret. I may not go crazy trying to hide all my ABDL stuff trying to find a place nobody would think to look, I do still hide it, and I do tell many lies to hide me being an ABDL since...yeah. It's much better as a secret than if I just opened up, plus I'm a pretty secretive person anyways, so it's not too out of the ordinary for me to be very private. While at this point, only other ABDLs know that I'm an ABDL. However, a couple non-ABDL friends do know that I'm kinky and have some sort of fetish. They probably don't think much and I'd be shocked if they thought "It's diapers", since the rest of my personality is not childish at all, and ABDL is not something you'd expect from me. Can't say I'll never tell anyone, but it's highly likely that this is as out and open as I'm going to be.
Only 3 people know.

My sister knows a little bit, she always jokes about getting my diapers, I just wish she wasn't joking.

The only other people are like my second parents, they don't know the details they just know that I do and the reason why.
I couldn't Dare Tell anybody as my Parents seem aus vanilla als possible. I Discussed ABDL with them without them knowing i was one and they Said "there is something seriously wrong with them" and "i Would send my Child to a phychiartrist if they told me they Wanted to be a baby" i Could Never Tell my grandparents aus they Are Even more vanilla and they Want a Perfect Family and Shun the fact i have aspergers and autism and they think i am Milking my conditions. They Even Said " a Young Lady like you should not have to wear hearing aids" when i told them i can't Hear properly. How Can i milk not hearing properly? And autism? I can't help not hearing well, i can't help slipping up socially, i can't help accidnetly becoming obnoxious and rude without Relising it, i can't help my toddler like meltdowns, i can't help needing hearing aids, i can't help my digestion Problems that leave me in the bathroom for about 20 minutes on a Bad day. My Brother is so high and mighty about himself and wants the best for me and je to be normal. He also has autism and he Makes the Same mistakes i Do over and over again, getting Fired from nearly every Job. ABDL is private and will always be private to me.
I have only one non-ABDL friend who knows. I don't really keep it a secret as much as I never really have a reason to bring it up.
i have never been one if ask denied it. my dress is not so overtly baby but borderline toddler style. last week we had a new employee start at the store i work. it took him 3 days to ask me if i was wearing diaper when i said yes he walked off. im sure one of the the other clerks clued him in. that following day he asked more about me be a adult baby. you could tell he it made him nervous asking. i started wearing my AB pride lapel pin i got awhile back on my jumper strap. you know i was surprised how many people commented or know what it was. :paci:
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