Who is your favorite Paw patrol pup?

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Crinkle Squeaker
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Diaperfur
Because I'm such a fan and I'm not the only one I was wondering who your favorite pup is? Mine is Zuma because he loves the water and says dude like a surfer dude which is more or less like me. I love the water (despite not knowing how to swim)and I was born in Surf City USA!(Santa Cruz California) If I'd have to base it on breed alone I would say Everest because she is a husky and much cuter than Skye. Who is your favorite pup?
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Maybe Rocky. Too bad he doesn't like water, I love it!

Ever consider swimming lessons? I just learned last year.
Rocky is my sister's favorite too. I was thinking of classes but my dad always says he can teach me and I refuse to learn from him so it hasn't gone anywhere,besides I like my pooltoys too much.
My favorite is Marshall, cause he reminds me a lot of myself. And he's super cute!
I love Marshall! his clumsiness makes him adorable. the one problem is that I love Everest but I haven't seen enough of her to decide if she should be my second favorite or Marshall should.
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