Turn back Time...

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Little

I love this song its a Remix because in Germany every Music Video gets restricted to Public if the people who made it dont give it free so they get money from Youtube for playing copyrighted content... Its realy stiupid but still good :)

Well what if you could turn back time?...
You can just do it 1 Time
You have to pick your age
You can remember EVERYTHING you know at this moment
You can not not take anything with you


For me i would go back when i was around 3.
I would learn a Lotto number that happend around my 18 birthday...
I was pretty young when i stoped wetting the bed but still loved wearing diapers long story...might tell the story someday... but i would wet imself and would refuse potty training and would wear them everytime and when i turn 18 i would be rich and could buy a house life from pay rent and would hang around allday in diapers being the little child i am.

Most people would say thats pretty extrem or something but its just some kind of dream. My mom knows im wearing diapers i told her and she is fine with that and at the moment im "testing" 24/7 but my line i would never cross is wearing them at work... its something i would never do...
but if i have freetime i spend it in diapers because around me there is nothing i could do... and i have nearly no interests in anything and being little is for me something where i have fun the only thing that could top that is having some friends who feel the same hang around with me and play some games but at the moment...im on my own :(

...Lets here your turn back time wishes :catsmile:
First off, thanks for finding this song for me. My browser closed before I had a chance to download it.

Knowledge of the future would be completely useless after the first few changes so I'm just gonna wing it. The one thing I would change is what I chose to learn.
tai said:
First off, thanks for finding this song for me. My browser closed before I had a chance to download it.

Knowledge of the future would be completely useless after the first few changes so I'm just gonna wing it. The one thing I would change is what I chose to learn.

nice to see you then found the song i hate if i know a song but cant find it i also have a melody in my head i can play on piano but even with software it doenst know the song...
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