Sad Baby....

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
I want my little to vanish, Im so tired of explaining to everyone who i get close to. My little is me, but unfortunately it feels like being me will never be excptabule. I feel so alone, in the world my little feels like a blanket tatterd and torn :sad::sad::sad::sad:

You seem like you need a real hug, but a virtual one will have to do...

I don't think it will ever totally go away. Mine is just part of my actual normal personality. Without the 'little part', I don't think I'd be the real 'me'. I know it's hard to deal with sometimes, I'll see a kid in public with a super-cute hat/coat/whatever and want to just yell "HEY! I LIKE THAT TOO! ISN'T *insert character from show/animal/etc* AWESOME?!" But I can't because it would freak out the kid or scare the bajeebus out of their parents. And I also tend to stay away from little kids who want to be bratty/mean because my little side would totally say "It's fair game to push them over! They're bein' nasty and mean." But that side doesn't 'get' that I'm way bigger than a little kid and it's not fair to push them over just 'cause they're being little buttheads.

And trying to explain that to a 'normal' person (who was it here that calls them 'muggles'? XD) is way too hard. So I just end up going "I don't like kids." And being grumpy about it. But yeah, I actually did try for some time to get over that mental state and it made things WAY worse for me. Constant anger/irritation, all the way up to just actually physically beating myself. It's bad juju trying to get rid of something you just are. Even if no one else 'gets' it.

WE get it.
Hugs I have been going to littles events
We have some 2 hours I5 minutes away.
It helps being around others like minded.
We may be not like everyone else we still remember what it is like to be a kid.
Do some nice things for your little.
Coloring little games.
We may have to nurture our selves.
If you don't your killing off a part of your self.
When I did no accept my self I felt dead in side.
Wanted to be dead. I found my little was the part that made life matter.
Lol your it hugs
Hi Mommysrainbowbaby and Ghostdinosawr,

First, hugs to both of you.

Maybe you both already know this, but it bears repeating because it's true. True friends don't care if you are little. They don't. You don't want people in your life who don't love and appreciate the real you. Not everyone will get this, not everyone you know deserves to know this. But true friends will and those are the people you want around you.

Be you -- all of you. Don't try to make your little vanish ... as foxkits said that is like killing a part of who you are. And listen to CuddleWoozle - she's right -- it won't go away and there's no use beating yourself up over this.

For both of you, I don't know what you've tried or what you haven't, but knowing ABDLs/littles in real life is huge. It has been amazingly freeing for me -- I'm 45 and until this year (this year!!!!!) I knew nobody that was ABDL/little in real life. So, trust me, try to find your real life community and friends because that helps. When you are little with other ABDLs/littles something magical happens -- it is indescribable but it is wonderful, and I wish that for both of you.

FetLife is a place to meet like-minded people, but it takes some courage and some doing. It is scary as hell at first. But there are many ABDL/little groups on there ... you just have to find ones that have the right vibe for you. One group I've found is very supportive and kind to littles on FetLife is called Littles Just Want To Have Fun. I'm a member of that group. You might check it out. See if you can go to munches. See if you can attend an event, no matter how scared you are to do it. Lord knows, you're talking to a huge fraidy cat right here. But I'm so glad I stopped being scared and went out and found people, because that has made all of the difference.

But please, trust me -- don't do what I did and stay scared of this for so long. Life is too short and precious to waste on that. I know it's scary and I'm not saying it's easy ... it's not always easy, that's for sure. But you're both here on ADISC, and that's good. If you could meet people in real life that are ABDL, little, or friendly to ABDLs and littles, I think you'd both feel a lot less alone. ADISC and these forums are wonderful and great, but human contact is even better.

I wish you both the best on your journeys and the courage to find a way to meet others who will accept and appreciate you for who you really are.

Be well,

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