Recent content by SuperRaiUniverse

  1. SuperRaiUniverse

    Reducing the "Cringe" Mentality

    The only people you need to be understood by are the people in your life. Society as a whole will not and honestly has no obligation to understand AB/DL - a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny demographic. Want to reduce the cringe as much as possible? Present yourself as properly as you can to those you do...
  2. SuperRaiUniverse

    a half way house for men

    It was a figure of speech.
  3. SuperRaiUniverse

    2 littles?

    They actually touched on this topic on The Big Little Podcast. Give it a listen. :)
  4. SuperRaiUniverse

    The School Diaper Week

    Seems to me that all else being equal (diaper gets changed in an appropriate amount of haste, etc.) the only difference between intentionally messing in public and messing in public because of incontinence is the intent of the person. Honestly I don't see the point in policing people's thoughts...
  5. SuperRaiUniverse

    The School Diaper Week

    I won't say much but I will be devil's advocate and say I don't condemn public wearing/messing like I used to. I think if you don't linger too long in certain places then it's fine. And if someone gets a whiff of you it's not the end of the world.
  6. SuperRaiUniverse

    Who loves wearing a fully loaded pooped diaper to bed?

    I can agree sometimes the best time to fall asleep diapered is right after filling it up. Warm & cozy, I definitely get that!
  7. SuperRaiUniverse

    I miss elementary school

    I had a pretty sheltered childhood, so I can agree that my Elementary School years (even Jr. High) were pretty much the best days for me where I could just be a kid. In fact when I age play I like to go back to playing around the age of 6.
  8. SuperRaiUniverse

    Panties over diapers?

    It's a very cute look, I agree.
  9. SuperRaiUniverse

    How I dealt with being caught (twice).

    Hello all, I recieved my crinkle crate today and I thought I'd share an interesting perspective, because I discovered as I got home, that my brother had mistakenly opened it, thinking it was a package he was expecting. Before we jump into my reaction to that, I'll say: This is the second time...
  10. SuperRaiUniverse

    Not cute.....

    I don't feel cute often, in fact I think I have quite an ugly body, and I often hide it with various flattering photo angles and filters to make the atmosphere of my photos nicer. How do I get over it? I won't say I'm very good at it but I think dressing the part helps, babyish diapers like ABU...
  11. SuperRaiUniverse


    I can really only give one piece of advice, although you really just mentioned removing the hair on your legs and maybe stomach and chest: Don't ever use Nair on your genitals! Chemical burns are no joke.
  12. SuperRaiUniverse

    BabyMitchy is coming to TV

    I'm proud to have you represent us Mitchy. :)
  13. SuperRaiUniverse

    Do you try to disguise your ABDL purchases in-store?

    I am usually quite shy about buying diapers at big stores, but at pharmacies that I only visit maybe once or twice a year each individual store, I don't care about being covert.
  14. SuperRaiUniverse

    Height and diaper play

    6'2" here, and I have to say it's a real bummer. It takes a lot of effort for me to feel "little".
  15. SuperRaiUniverse

    Breastfeeding yay or nay?

    In my adulthood I've never suckled from someone that was lactating, but I'll say that's not a huge desire for me :P I still find giving my partner's breasts some oral attention is usually a lot of fun for the both of us, and yes it does really appeal to my little side, I will say. I'm iffy on...