Recent content by SpringSongbird

  1. SpringSongbird

    Anyone Got Any Fun Playtime Stories?

    Sorry this took me so long to check out, honey ;○;!! I'm so happy you found peace, even if for only a time <3 I promise as time continues we'll have a thousand more happy nights like this (maybe even BETTER). You have my word <3
  2. SpringSongbird

    Why are you a caretaker?

    I know this thread is a week old but I feel compelled to answer since I'm pretty new and want to still get a feel for the forum <3 When I first became a caretaker I was pretty nervous as it was a new and odd thing to me, since I'd never been exposed to any ABDL stuff outside of a few...
  3. SpringSongbird

    Did Anyone Get An Easter Basket?

    I got one from my boyf/little's parents for my first Easter! It was a bunch of candy and a giftcard to a local movie theater since I'm a sucker for movies. Also had a pretty nice art supply in it I'll get LOTS of use out of! For my first Easter, they really set the bar pretty high haha
  4. SpringSongbird

    Big Gift for the Pupper!

    Legolas was so hesitant to tell me but even after he did I was ok with it all! I understand the anxiety behind it and even battled with some of the concerns and hesitations myself but once we were able to reassure one another it turned out very ok <3
  5. SpringSongbird

    Big Gift for the Pupper!

    After a long long wait period and the initial disappointment of not being able to get them, me and my little one decided to split the cost of some LittlePawz! They've been his dream for a while and I figured now was the time to make my little's day <3 Just wanted to share the excitement of the...
  6. SpringSongbird

    Need help making my Little feel more little!

    Since I'm pretty new to being a caretaker I know there's a lot I still have to learn and pick up on but maybe you all could help me with this one! My little one is at least 6 foot while I'm stuck at 5'5 and sometimes I struggle with helping them feel little because of the height difference...
  7. SpringSongbird

    Hello Everyone!

    No problem, deary <3
  8. SpringSongbird

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi there! My name is SpringSongbird but you can call me Songbird for short. I'm a part time employee at a restaurant and a full time student in the audio field (though this may change in the next year or so). It's a pleasure to meet each and every one of you :) I was brought here by Legolas...