
Typical early 20's guy who is into video games sportbikes and airsoft, Down to earth, open mind and who likes to have fun.

My ninja supersport bike, Xbox and Live, Bowling, Running, Eating, Pooltable, Cartoons, Hunting, air
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
  1. Straight
Sales and marketing
Favourite diaper
Abena X-Plus (Plastic backed)
Personal Space
Hi, I'm ScoobyDooKiddo I have been active in this community for a couple of years now, I suffer from an overactive bladder but I don't let that stop me from enjoying my life there are times when it seems like it does get me down though.

I'm your typical early 20's guy. I'm into video games sportbikes cars and airsoft. I'm pretty down to earth when you get to know me and I'm also a nice person to get along with.

I don't like being stuck in the house all day or being lazy, I try to be as outgoing as possible and do things that are outside my comfort zone. Kinda like the time I went rock climbing, scared of heights long story lol

I seem to make friends with ease. I'm always looking to try new things as I'm open and know that you have a short life to live so you have to try everything at least once before you die right? Anyways that pretty much sums me up in a nutshell.


When you judge others you have insight into your own personality, don't be quick to judge because of disability or looks those people could be your best friends.

a little bit of kindness goes a long way, it.can.change someones day for the better. Stopped a friend of mine from ending their life just think before you act

Love your neighbor as yourself, think of others before yourself you will be surprised how much joy it can bring.

Eat, love, drink, talk and laugh often. Laughing is the best medicine.

Cartoons isn't just for kids, they are for adults too!

Dont let anyone put you down, find your enjoyment sports.etc and do it! Its a huge stress reliever at the end of the week

Never think advise from older people isn't applicable, they have lived longer than you and seen much more than you have.


Like let's raids the fridge scoob! Rowkay Raggy!
Adopted big bro of WittleHirvi :hug: