Recent content by OmiOMy

  1. OmiOMy

    EXPLAINED! We have a diagnosis

    A year ago, I was dx'd with interstitial cystitis. It has been hell. There have been times where it just hurt less to deal with damp bottoms for a little bit rather than try to hold it. For the entire month of Februrary I basically couldn't sleep dry. Some people don't consider that...
  2. OmiOMy

    Has any one tried Nullo and similar so they can poop wherever

    Charcoal deactivates your prescriptions!
  3. OmiOMy

    No matter how big or small, Name one good thing that happened to you today!

    Well some people consider systemic mastocytosis a form of cancer (FUK IN YIKES) but it explains everything that's happened to my body over the past few years. Including the interstitial cystitis! I started the medicine regimen two weeks ago now. I'm being monitored closely right now.
  4. OmiOMy

    I’m the owner of Lil Comforts, any product recommendations?

    There aren't enough cute training pants :( Some trainer-cover combos (or mix and match!)! It's a great combo when you got like no mobility, but still need solid protection. Also, fast to change in the middle of the night if you wake up wet...
  5. OmiOMy

    Realizing I did nothing wrong

    I think I landed here. I'm too sleepy for big posties right now, but basically the first night I had an accident followed by a (completely unexpected) bit of time actually letting my body have the convulsive crying fit it ripped out of me, something was different. I'd tried it as a "maybe"...
  6. OmiOMy


    I will say this: As annoying as it is to realize I've wet myself in a daytime nap, it's much the opposite if I've remembered to put on a diaper. If I'm tired enough to nap, the diaper is necessary because sometimes I start wetting myself AS I doze off (this is why I try to stay awake on public...
  7. OmiOMy

    OmOm 2024 3: That happened: A Disposable and a Eureka

    It's a weird sensation, looking at what just happened. I've been looking forward to tonight's fresh 'sposie all day. Now let me be clear. I'm well known for my hate of disposables — tapes make me feel claustrophobic. But until my roommate is off to their new place and I get the master bedroom...
  8. OmiOMy

    We left a surprise in the park

    You're literally pushing your fetish onto the outside world without consent. Don't care if it was new. Not cool to do.
  9. OmiOMy

    How "normal" would you be?

    Normal is a setting on a washing machine.
  10. OmiOMy

    OmOm2024 2: Sometimes space tries to make me cry and my brain won't let me.

    I jerk out of my almost sleep with the violent thought of Stop it. Normally I'm all about letting sleep do its do, but I am a feather-on-the-stack from falling into involuntary littlespace and I'd felt the start of what I call "why the fuck am I so sad over nothing" crying fits coming on ...
  11. OmiOMy

    Having the pee dream and not peeing irl

    I actually refuse to sleep without SOMETHING protective on. I live in fear of The Pee Dream If I have The Pee Dream, I'm either wetting myself in my sleep or about to fail at getting to the toilet and subsequently wetting myself on the way there after figuring out it was The Pee Dream all...
  12. OmiOMy

    You know I hate having accidents, but I don't mind cleaning myself up.

    You know I hate having accidents, but I don't mind cleaning myself up.
  13. OmiOMy

    I just did something childish and I think I reawakened something in me...

    I'm a bedwetter. I woke up this morning in time to make sure I flooded my nappy in front of the toilet instead of on the couch — there was no "making it," this thing had been wet a couple times during the night already. I ended up sitting on the toilet with the diaper on because I was afraid...
  14. OmiOMy

    After four nights in a row of waking up to suddenly flood my disposable when I stand up and try...

    After four nights in a row of waking up to suddenly flood my disposable when I stand up and try to run to the bathroom (and just last night when I was just trying to vibe) I can confirm that laying down shuts off part of my body's "YOU HAVE TO PEE NOW" signal, because once again I have tested...