Recent content by LilNeeko

  1. LilNeeko

    Texan Adult Babies

    Corpus, Tx
  2. LilNeeko

    I love footed pjs

    I want some that are back zipped with locking zipper.
  3. LilNeeko

    Diapers & Videogames

    Where all do you hang out on secondlife?
  4. LilNeeko

    Diapers & Videogames

    When usually arriving home pad up and play games online. I am on secondlife, APex, CSGO, Destiny 2, and more. I like pc gaming since I can mod tons of games.
  5. LilNeeko

    Where are you all from?

    South East Texas
  6. LilNeeko

    Hello everyone Lil Neeko here just wanted to say hi.

    I am a little both of which is an adult baby and diaper lover. I love to play the big too at times. One day will be able to find someone to share what I love with them as well as they can openly share their secret with me too. I like video games, music, art, and wine.