Recent content by Hotcocoman07

  1. Hotcocoman07

    LGBT littles?

    Gay with my little side being mostly male with a bit of a feminine undertone (if ya need specifics on type of little, brat) It's nice to see littles aren't all just straight.(nothing against straights tho)
  2. Hotcocoman07

    You're granted one diaper-related wish, what is it?

    I'd love to have an infinite supply of age regressing diapers that whenever you mess in them you regress by a year or two, never regressing past 1 years old. (regressing referring to everyone around you treating you like how old you are) I know there're a ton of rules to this wish, but still a...
  3. Hotcocoman07

    Do you ever laugh about yourself?

    You can say that again!
  4. Hotcocoman07

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot chocolate!

    Improv truly is an art form, but it sure is a wild art form! :o hope to see you around on the forms!
  5. Hotcocoman07

    Hi All

    He certainly looks like he could give off maximum cuddles.
  6. Hotcocoman07

    What diapers did everyone wear when they were growing up?

    I sadly had to stop wearing pull-ups when my mom put me on some type of medicine that helped with bed wetting, I stopped wearing around 7th grade. Did it stink to have to wear pull-ups through high school or did you know you were a tbdl by then?
  7. Hotcocoman07

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot chocolate!

    Thanks for the comments, I love both forms of Improv, but I do like a shorter, sporadic session better, all of the times I've tried longer sessions and it can get hectic. (the group I'm with doesn't have a long attention spans)
  8. Hotcocoman07

    Hi All

    Hi, just happened to notice your picture is so cute! Is that your dog?
  9. Hotcocoman07

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot chocolate!

    OH I'VE GOT IT! Yeah so I really like hot coco(and The Polar Express) Hi I'm Hotcocoman07 I'm a gay male and an ABDL with a genetic bedwetting problem(probably what got me into this group). I'm a little nervous when it comes to meeting ABDL+ people, but I joined this site to meet others like me...
  10. Hotcocoman07

    What diapers did everyone wear when they were growing up?

    I used to wear Goodnites Pull-ups I always liked the ones with BMX bikes and Skateboards on them
  11. Hotcocoman07

    I just willingly told one of my friends!!!!!

    I told one of my friends about this stuff when I was a junior in Highschool and she was totally okay with it, in fact it really improved my crapy year that year so I know the feeling two-fold. The hardest part of telling someone boils down to A. Can I trust this person enough to tell them and...
  12. Hotcocoman07

    What age did you figure out you liked diapers or other?

    The first real instance that I remember vividly was when I was 6-7ish. I had to wear pull-ups for nighttime wetting, still do though if you've seen my recent blog post then you know why i'm bare-butted right now, but non the less I had just woken up on a saturday. I was alone in my room and I...
  13. Hotcocoman07

    Real accidents

    I remember one time I was over at a family friend's house because my parents had to leave the house for a very long time and the family friend, who we'll call N, couldn't drive yet. Well N, my sister and I were having fun but then I realized that I had to go. However, before I could N showed my...