Recent content by Fragarach

  1. Fragarach

    Returning from the dead

    Hello community, I was a member on here years and years and many mixed up years ago. Life has changed dramatically and I wanted to reconnect. Here is the basics for me I am a Dom Daddy and DL in a poly marriage with 2 women and 1 other man. My senior wife is vanilla and an ally, our other wife...
  2. Fragarach

    Need to get this off my chest....

    You have similar feelings to many people who felt bad about "stealing" a baby diaper from a sibling or cousin...the past is the story of your would not be who you are without those hurt have no need to reproach is a gift...that...
  3. Fragarach

    Ever met anyone who refers to themselves as ABPT

    Discovered an interesting person who refers to herself as a ABPT... Adult baby pre toddler. She is smallish and in Baby mode, won't crawl or walk. Prefers being carried, feed, clothed and having her diaper changed without any more physical assistance than a normal pre toddler stage would give...
  4. Fragarach

    I'm transgender

    Greetings ...I have wrestled with this part of myself for nearly 30 years ...And only in about the last 7 that I finally realized that I exist in a Transitional state that Shifts Between when I'm feeling more masculine or when I'm feeling more feminine ....So have spent these years trying to...