
Perpetual Student of human nature with a love of science, math and computers.

Turns out I used to be a bit of a dick and I'm trying to fix mistakes I've made.
Wales, UK
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Diaperfur
  3. Carer
  4. Other
  1. Asexual
  2. Other
Personal Space
_IRL Stuff_
Sex: Male
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Relationship Status: Single, no interest
Disability(s): I'm dyslexic and although I try to hide it as best I can I find myself stuck when trying to be articulate on difficult subjects, especially in speech or when under pressure, so when I write I try to make it meaningful and correct first time, but it doesn't always work. Neurodivergent, diagnosed 2020

_AB/DL and Me_
I am a DL, and a care giver, I'm not particularly fussed as to whether I care for one person as a daddy or ten as a carer in the daycare, and I'm not bothered if their an AB, a Fur or BabyFur, I'll treat everyone as they come, with a fresh start and an open mind.
I do know that without the opportunity to look after someone I feel lost, so in the absence of someone else I will take care of myself as an AB because it satisfies the carer in me and I get to indulge my DL side a bit too.
As for the bits of AB I like that are not DL I always find myself needing to justify them, eg. my paci I'm allowed because a few of my cousins had them into their teens and my bottle stops me spilling my drinks over my laptop in bed after an incident with some lemonade.


I'm a self-admitted serial conversation killer - I'm friendly really.... honest.... xXx
No good deed goes unpunished - Yeah I'm weird, deal with it on your own time