Recent content by DLTree

  1. DLTree

    What diaper is this?

    Anyone know what diaper this is? Been in a conversation with someone on Reddit who has it in his possession, who stated: but is unaware of the origin besides that. I found the same diaper posted as a reply to an ABU post on Facebook, from 2015...
  2. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Very interesting. Nice little piece of diaper history there.
  3. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Had a very, very difficult time finding anything on these diapers doing a net deep dive. What I am curious about, is, were these actually ABU produced and packaged diapers, or were they rather some other brand, without ABU labeling on their package, etc., like how ABU also used to sell Fabine...
  4. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    ABUniverse: Classic (2010) References:
  5. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Rearz: Valentine's (2016, Limited Edition, sold for only 16 days) References:
  6. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Yeah. When I originally was starting my ABDL diaper collection, I wanted to get all of the different variations, too. Then, as part of my "finding all ABDL diapers ever made," net deep dive, I came across an ABU blog post, stating something like, "our 8th version of the PeekAbu!" and this made...
  7. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Very interesting. Can you go into why only one case was ever made and when this occurred? Also, I'll raise you Cloth-backed Critter Caboose single case only with a diaper only one was ever made of: Rearz: Seduction Violet Dino (2018, Single Diaper) Reference:
  8. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Buntewindel: Fabine Dreamlike (blue 2017, red 2018) Resources:
  9. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Buntewindel: Fabine Exklusiv Bunt (2011) Resources:
  10. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Cuddlz: White (2009) References:
  11. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Bumooza!: Alphabet Classic (2018, Single Run) References
  12. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Diaper Connoisseur: DC Amor (2014, Single Run) Resources:
  13. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Rearz: Ladies First (2016, Limited Run) Resources:
  14. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers

    Bambino: Magnifico Pull-Up (2017), Cloudee Slip-On (2021), Skoodoodle Slip-On (2021) References:
  15. DLTree

    Rare Little Known Vintage + Rare ABDL Diapers There are some threads ^ on that from Daily Diapers, from 2011 and 2012. According to Daily Diapers, the BMX diaper was originally produced by Quality...