Recent content by BRGuy

  1. BRGuy

    Transgender Folks here?

    I'm an AMAB on the "figuring out" stage.
  2. BRGuy

    Making New Friends

    I love Philip K Dick and Isaac Asimov. You probably know some of the movies based on their work (I, Robot; Minority Report). They write about things I've never even thought of.
  3. BRGuy

    Making New Friends

    Hi! Long time lurker here. When you said you like sci-fi, are you into sci-fi books as well?
  4. BRGuy

    the problem of parents/housemates

    Just use them only when they are out and know how to dispose of them discretely.
  5. BRGuy

    How Long...

    10 hours has been my record. Used it right before going to bed and changed after I woke up.